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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

I am currently experiencing the age-old English major conundrum: endless streams of assignments and papers are officially beginning to siphon my joy of reading. Ironic because I choose to major in English because I enjoyed reading. As a solution, I’ve made it my prerogative this Winter Break to not only create the best TBR but to actually read it to get out of my slump and remind myself why I do what I do. The key is emphasizing pleasure or practicality. Hopefully, you’ll add a few of these to your TBRs, too.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by SARAH J. MAAS

Not only has ACOTAR been on my TBR since it went viral on TikTok, but my roommate recently powered through the entire series and has been raving about it since she finished the first novel. Described as having “bits of Buffy, Game Of Thrones and Outlander,” I don’t think I’ve heard anything bad said about this fantasy-romance series. We love a morally-grey love interest.

THE Little friend (or anything Donna Tartt)

Since I finished The Secret History (now one of my favorite books of all time), I’d been dying to read another Tartt book but hadn’t yet emotionally prepared myself. I found a hard copy of The Little Friend at a thrift shop and am taking that as a sign to dig back in. Nothing beats Tartt’s alluring, mysterious prose. She is the epitome of dark academia.

The stormlight archive series by Brandon sanderson

I have to admit, I do judge books by their covers. Despite the countless recommendations I’ve received to read The Stormlight Archive series, I was deterred by the dime-store romance novel appearance of the novels. Now, after having read books one through three in the series, I know I could not have been more wrong. Brandon Sanderson is a master at world-building, and he somehow creates endless unique and multidimensional characters. The fourth book, Rhythm of War, is on the top of my TBR this break.

daisy jones & the six by taylor jenkins reid

Taylor Jenkins Reid does not miss! And, with the Amazon Prime series releasing this year, it’s time to study up on the book before it reaches the screen. For all my fellow fans of classic rock, seventies fashion and complicated romance, this one should definitely be on your TBR lists, as well. Not to mention, the interview-style form of the novel is super cool and original.


I’ve been talking about reading a pure romance, easy-read book for ages now. For my first go, I’ve decided on this very appropriately literature-themed novel. An enemies-to-lovers between an editor and a literary agent, this quickie romance and TikTok sensation is perfect for all of us “book lovers.”

Hopefully, my genre-spanning Winter TBR gave you a few ideas. Whether you’re into fantasy, romance or realistic fiction, there’s a little something for everyone on this short-but-sweet list. 


Your local burnt-out English major struggling to free herself from a reading slump

Kylee is a fourth-year at UCLA double-majoring in Communication and English with a concentration in Creative Writing. Her poems have been published in Train River Poetry, The Mandarin, Open Ceilings, and our very own Westwind (among others). She also writes feature articles for Her Campus at UCLA. In her free time, she acts, drinks way too much coffee, romanticizes everything, and buys more books than she can keep up with.