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6 Ways To Keep Calm and Carry On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The semester is coming to a close and everyone needs a quick break in between flashcards and dramatic mental breakdowns, to do something stress relieving and enjoyable. Try these study break activities and watch your stress eating/crying habits diminish.

Do Laundry

Yeah, laundry is kind of lame.  But when you’re freaking out because you’re 3 hours into studying with the rest of the night ahead of you, sometimes taking a break to do something productive feels good. Take your mind somewhere else as you fold clothes and hang up dresses.

Impromptu Dance Parties

Sometimes, the only thing that can help a situation is a solo dance party. It’s helped me through exam seasons and out of heartbreaks. I swear by it. Turn on your favorite playlist and just go really hard for ten minutes. You’ll work up a sweat and the motivation to keep going.

Play a Game

Revert back to elementary school and find your favorite dress-up game/Lizzie McGuire makeover and go at it! This gives me so much sentimental entertainment, I briefly forget that I’m in college and have two exams tomorrow that my future may/may not depend on.

Arts and Crafts

Everyone loves to color, hello. Doodling or making collages from pictures of you and your friends, are fun projects that you can create in increments during study breaks.

Phone Call

Call ya girl. Or your boy. Or your mom! Vent your struggles to someone who will listen (or at least pretend to). Giving someone a quick 15-minute chat will help you sort out your stress and maybe gain some wisdom.

Pinterest Session

After a certain increment of time, reward yourself with the glory of Pinterest. Just one ten minute session is enough to wake the slightest stirring of passion within me and motivate me to be healthier, cook that three course meal and save up for the watch I don’t need. For those of you, who value the promise of Pinterest as much as I do, give this stress outlet your precious time. 

UCF Contributor