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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Investing is the idea that you put in the time, energy or money into something now to reap the benefits of it later. A lot of times we tend to focus on immediate gratification and forget the importance of investing in the future. It might be hard to work at something when there are no immediate results, but that doesn’t mean progress isn’t being made.

Investing in yourself doesn’t always have to take a lot of money or time, but it’s vital to understand that what you put in is often what you will get out of it. There are certain things a lot of us push to the side to focus on later, but if we emphasize the importance of investing in them now, we can only gain from them.

Your Career

As a college student, this one may seem obvious, but often we find ourselves thinking I can focus on that later. Investing your energy into preparing yourself for a successful career in college is crucial. College is not just about taking classes and getting a degree, which is something we’ve all heard a million times — because it’s true.

This is the time to invest in your professional network and find the path you want to take, even if that changes. It can feel like defeat when we lose interest in something we thought we wanted to do and it may seem like wasted time. But the time invested in finding out what you are not interested in is equally as beneficial as finding out what you do want to do. Don’t be afraid to make decisions that change your path or even your major, and invest your energy into finding what will make you happy long-term.

Healthy Habits

Healthy habits can be incredibly hard to form depending on what they are and how badly you want them. But once they’re formed you can benefit from them now and in the future. Healthy habits range from mental health to physical health, both being of equal importance. These habits will look different from person to person and you should never compare where you are at to where someone else is.

Sometimes when we invest a lot of time and energy into forming these habits it can be discouraging when we don’t feel or see results. That’s not a sign to give up, but it is a sign to keep working. Find what works for you and invest in the long-term benefits your present and future self can enjoy.

Your Bucket List

Most of us probably have some form of a bucket list whether it lives in our phone’s notes or just in our heads. Many times there are achievable things on our lists we could do now but we often push them to the side because of money or time.

While some obstacles are harder to overcome than others you need to remember that it is important to make time to do the things you want in life. Otherwise, you may never find the “perfect” time to experience your goals. As college students, money is often a big obstacle in doing the things we want. But if you find ways to save money here and there it will add up. Prioritizing what you spend your money on is key. 

If you can come up with an excuse for why you can’t do something now, then you should be able to come up with twenty for why you can. It’s important to understand that the first step in achieving your goals is acknowledging what it is you want, but if you stop there you’re doing it wrong. Many of these goals take steps to achieve, so invest your time, energy and money into making them happen.

At the end of the day, you need to invest in what is important to you. Prioritizing your goals and changing your mindset is crucial. Whenever it feels like you aren’t getting anything from these investments, don’t give up. Your future self is thanking you. 

Shelby is a junior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Central Florida. She spends most of her days on Netflix, thrifting, planning trips she can't afford, and hanging with her friends. When she's in the mood for some me-time she can be found cuddling her two cats
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