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Why You Should Take Yourself on a Date (And Where!) 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

With Valentine’s Day being right around the corner, the feeling of loneliness and the desire to have someone tends to permeate even more than usual. An article from the Atlantic by Faith Hill titled “Take Yourself on a Date” explores the idea of the solo date in a post-solitary world following the pandemic. Hill talks about the fact that for the most part, people do not know how to be by themselves. The solo date is not supposed to be a sad endeavor. Rather it is about getting to know yourself better and reclaiming control over yourself. While the choice is yours, I have compiled a list of a few self-date activities that you could do around our very own UC Davis campus. 

Pick Your Own Flower and Produce 

With Davis being an agricultural town, we have the privilege of being surrounded by multiple farms open to the public. I recently discovered that the Davis Student Farm has days when you can pick your own flowers and produce — all for FREE! So, for your next solo date, head down to the farm (or Farmer’s Market), make yourself a bouquet, and pick some vegetables to make yourself a meal you have been dying to try. 

Cafe Reading 

The coffee shop environment always helps to bring me into the dark academia aesthetic, so if that is your vibe, then this is the perfect solo date for you. Choose your favorite book, or stop by a bookstore and pick up a new one, and simply spend your day reading in any of our beloved Downtown Davis coffee shops. In such a technologically driven world, I think it is always nice to take a step back and disconnect for a day. 

Foster Your Inner Artist 

Creativity is part of what makes us human. When it comes to solo activities researcher Julia Cameron has found that people struggle with letting their inner artists out because of the fact that they are not used to being able to freely express and play. So this date is not just about getting in touch with yourself through art, but also letting our long-forgotten childhood wonder thrive. It does not matter if it is amazing or not, no one is going to see it but you. Use that time though to connect with yourself and see what your brain can conjure up. 

Favorites Date

Think of this as a date when you treat yourself to all your favorite items. Buy your favorite food from your favorite restaurant Downtown, go to your favorite chill spot on campus, or enjoy your favorite ice cream from Davis Creamery — the choice is all yours. The point of this date is to discover what you love. I feel like with how busy life can get as a student we do not often get opportunities to reflect on our desires, so use this as an opportunity to get to know what truly makes you happy. 

Table Setting
Alex Frank / Spoon

Ultimately, the goal of these dates is to become content with yourself. We very rarely find it in us to delve deeper into our minds or indulge in self-care, especially with all the stresses of being college students. So make the time for these self-dates and savor these moments that are all just for you. Who knows what you will discover? 

Jaylynn is an English and Cinema and Digital Media student at the University of California, Davis. She hopes to use her platform on Her Campus to highlight the little moments of life and hopes you enjoy reading her articles!