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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

With midterms around the corner, classes have been ramping up. Regardless of if you have jobs, extracurriculars, or other responsibilities outside of college, this period of time can get pretty tough. Personally, this winter quarter has been hitting me especially hard. With everything going on, however, it can be hard to tell when you need to take a break and just sit down for a bit. Here are some things I’ve noticed about myself that may help you realize that either you really need that nap or a nice crying session. 

  1. Constantly Yawning and Being Sleepy in Class

This has been happening to me consistently for the past two weeks. I haven’t been able to focus properly during lectures because of how tired I’ve been. Usually, I’m awake enough to listen to what my instructors have been saying. Yet I’ve caught myself dozing a couple of times in each class. Of course, this is because I’ve been staying up later to meet deadlines, but when it gets to this extent staying awake won’t do anyone any good. Take a nap.

  1. Overthinking All Your Relationships

If my friends ever read this, I’m sorry y’all. When I get stressed, I tend to get more anxious. This impacts my own self-perception and I get worried that I’m not doing enough or that I’m being too much for others. As a result, I overthink my relationships with others. Did I bother them too much by texting twice? What if they’re annoyed with me? Maybe I said something wrong the last time we talked. It just grows until I feel the need to completely isolate myself from others. If you’re experiencing this, hey, go to sleep. Make yourself a nice cup of non-caffeinated tea, chill, and go to bed. 

  1. Daily Activities become a Hassle

By this I mean getting out of bed, showering, or getting groceries (though that’s more of a weekly thing) become a lot more difficult to do. In my experience, it’s not because I don’t want to — I just… sort of stop functioning. Obviously, this behavior is not healthy. But maybe if trying to get it all done seems too daunting, start off small like folding up a small portion of your laundry or washing one cup. It may not be a lot, but by completing one small thing it’s one less thing to worry about. 

As I’m finishing up this article, I made a couple of realizations. First, these three behaviors are my own symptoms that I’m noticing and are not at all reflective of the general population. They’re just tips that I want to share with you guys. Second, when you get overwhelmed and burnt out like I did this past week: stop. Just for an hour or two, stop. Maybe have that mental breakdown that’s been lingering in the background. Give yourself a reward for how hard you’ve been working. Maybe you can give yourself candy? Or go on a walk around the arboretum? Sometimes taking care of yourself means recognizing when you can’t handle what you have on your plate right now. When it comes down to it, figure out what’s hurting you the most and try to relieve that. Third, your friends and family love you. Talk to them and let yourself rest with them even if it’s only for a few minutes. Good luck.

Hi! I'm a third year Cinema and Digital Media student at UCD.