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My Weekly Workout Routine

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

You’ve heard everyone say it: “working out is good for you, just go to the gym”… but nobody ever gives you their exercise routine for reference. When I first started out in the gym I was terrified to try new machines because I was afraid that I’d look inexperienced or that I’d use machinery incorrectly. The hard truth is that nobody is paying as much attention to you at the gym as you are (unless they’re waiting for your machine). My best advice is to bring a buddy so you can experience these new workouts together. If you’re ever unsure of how to properly execute an exercise, look it up on TikTok and there will be detailed video instructions on how to do it. I’ve found that if you find a routine that you like, the more consistent you’ll be. I’m sharing mine in hopes that it works for someone else too! 

I suggest starting the week off strong with your favorite muscle group to work out. Before every workout be sure to stretch (you can look up stretches on google) and start with a 5-10 minute low-intensity treadmill warm up. 

Monday: Glutes and Hamstrings

  1. Hip thrust: I recommend the machine but if you don’t have access to one, you can do this exercise with a barbell or a dumbbell. 
  2. Seated leg curl: This machine is more beneficial for beginners because it keeps your thighs stuck to the seat so you can really feel it in your hamstrings. 
  3. Leg press (high and wide stance): Your feet placement for this exercise is crucial because the high and wide stance focuses on the activation of  your hamstrings more than your glute or quads. 
  4. Hip abduction: The hip abduction is underrated for its ability to grow your glutes. Some people say they have a hard time feeling it in their glutes when they do this, so I suggest leaning forward a bit and angling your toes outward. 
  5. Glute kickbacks: Kickbacks are my equivalent to bulgarian split squats…if you do them with correct form and with enough weight, they hurt just as bad and target your glutes even more. 

Tuesday: Upper & Core

  1. Shoulder press: For any beginner, I recommend using the machine over a barbell because the machine will ensure correct form. If you think you’re strong before doing this, you’ll be humbled. Start with a low weight. 
  2. Cable tricep extensions: These will leave your triceps on FIRE! If you feel uncomfortable going straight to the cable extensions, you can do your tricep extensions with a barbell instead, just make sure to keep your elbows glued to your ears. 
  3. Lateral raise: This is probably one of the harder exercises to get your form right on so watch a video before you try. My advice for this one is to start with a 5lb dumbbell and work your way up…start with a low weight. 
  4. Lat pulldown: Pulldowns are my favorite exercise on this day because I feel it the most in my back. A tip for this is to keep your chest and chin up while you’re pulling. Also, pull at a downward, backward angle so the bar is going below your chin but also towards your chest. If you’re only feeling it in your biceps, you’re doing it wrong. 
  5. Back row machine: Finally to conclude the day, I use the back row machine because it simultaneously works out all of the muscles I just individually worked out; this gives them a final strain before I go home. If you’re in a rush, use this machine first and fit in as many of the others as possible. 
  6. Butterfly kicks, russian twist, plank and dead bug exercise: I do these exercises for 3 sets and I wake up the next morning knowing I did something right the day before. 

Wednesday: Quads 

  1. Leg press: To no one’s surprise, leg press is crucial for leg day. This machine targets your whole legs, and not just your quads. Put your feet shoulder width apart and start pushing! 
  2. Hip adduction: This machine targets your inner thigh muscles called the adductors. You’ll definitely feel this the next day. 
  3. Leg extension: Your quads will hate you for this one but it’s necessary because it targets your quads specifically and will define your muscles. 
  4. Goblet squats into lunge: Last but definitely not least, goblet squats are critical for getting those juicy quads you want. Start by standing on a 10lb plate with only your heels on it, squat, and then on the way up, go back down into a lunge position. Repeat! 

Thursday: Cardio 

My least favorite day but probably the most necessary: cardio. You can get creative with what cardio you want to choose, but my favorite will always be the horrid stairmaster. 

  1. Stairmaster: 30 mins

I hope this routine provides guidance and gives you the reassurance to develop your own gym schedule.