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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Choosing to wake up every morning with gratitude is such a powerful and inspiring mindset. During my college career, I found it easy to fall into the vicious cycle of comparison and despair, so I compiled a few tips in hopes of helping you to shatter your unhealthy mindset and practice self-love, gratitude, and kindness regardless of what you are currently dealing with in your life:

1. Focus on the positives. 

One can easily point to the negative matters in life but you have to allow your container to overflow with positivity until you filter out every negative thought and information floating in your head. One of the ways that can be exercised to strengthen the mind is to look at the bright side of the situation. You didn’t get a job? Hey, at least you applied to it! You didn’t have a good day? Hey, today might have been against you but tomorrow the universe will be with you.

2. Every morning, list 3 things you are thankful for. 

Starting your day with a positive reminder is a simple way to make it brighter. It could be as easy as having the ability to walk, being able to eat healthily, pursuing education at a university, having supportive parents or a support system in general, transportation, food, security, shelter, health, etc.

Notebook with \"create a life you love\" written on it

3. Rephrase your sentences. 

Instead of saying “I’m sorry for being late” say “thank you for waiting for me.” Instead of “I always mess things up,” say, “thank you for being so patient and persistent with me.”

4. Implement a healthy habit. 

Occasionally, maybe every month or so, start adding something to your life that you have either been neglecting lately or just something you have not been able to accomplish and you would really like to. If you enjoy running, start dedicating a day to practice. Stick to a schedule and acknowledge that reality may not always help you but your dedication will surely take you places, and you will reach your goal if you stay consistent. 

5. Don’t dwell on things. 

Balance plays such a critical role in our lives and having the ability to lead a moderate lifestyle is true prowess. It is important to realize and understand that some things are within our power and capability and some things aren’t. Have you ever heard of this saying that goes “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.” Well it’s time to use it in life. Now, get going captain, you have a lot ahead of you.

\"you got this\" on a letter board

Layla is studying Psychology and Human Development at the University of California, Davis. She has many interests and enjoys being busy. She is currently working as a Student Manager at the UC Davis Bookstore and interning as an RA in Goodman's Lab. She is passionate about Youth Development, Career Advising, Marketing, Team Building, and Web Design. She hopes to give back to the community and empower the future generation of great leaders.
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