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How to Stay Politically Active and Still Take Care of Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

It seems like every time I check my phone or the news some new bad event has just taken place. From the recent shootings, devastating fires, and frightening administration, it can be so mentally and physically draining to take in everything that is going on. The important thing to remember is that we have to keep trying in order to create the change we want to see. However, it is not so easy sometimes. The news can be incredibly depressing and while it is vital to take care of the world and the people around us, make sure that you are checking in with yourself too. 

One thing you can do is create a list of all you want and are able to do for the causes you want to fight for. Then when you are in a mentally good space, complete a few things on your list. It also helps to make these lists of things you can do to make a difference with friends and family so that you can motivate each other and take turns being active. 

Another practice that helps me is concentrating on the good happening in the world. For instance, so many incredible changes happened during this last election. This is momentum we can build off of to create even more change. There are so many opportunities to get involved and make a difference in smaller and bigger ways. 

You can still take care of other people while taking care of yourself. Taking a break to concentrate on your mental health does not take away from your intentions to do good. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed from all the negative content, I take a break from social media and look up ways to get involved or talk to friends and about ways to create change. It is possible channel your feelings and sadness into activism and power. 

Support is everywhere. It is in movements, friends, family, professionals, and organizations; just take a look around. 

Sasha is a 4th year at UC Davis majoring in American Studies and Communication with a minor in Chicano Studies. She also is on the Davis Club Water Polo team and in her spare time enjoys reading, tagging friends in memes, making friends that have dogs, and making Spotify playlists.
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