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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Though its only the beginning of the quarter, we know how fast midterms and finals approach. Despite the hours you’ll surely be spending in Shields, make sure to take time for yourself, without cutting into the time you need to dedicate to studying. Here are some easy and quick ways to take care of yourself during a stressful week!

Stop at the Peet’s in the ARC or Silo.

Four words: butter croissant, hot chocolate. Whatever your personal favorite order is, food will always make any stats cram session that much easier. And if Peet’s isn’t on the beaten path, the CoHo makes an amazing coconut caramel iced coffee.

Face masks make any day better.

Get up from your desk and do a quick ten minute face mask. If you’re really pressed for time, you can review your flashcards while you’re waiting for it to dry. How satisfying is it to peel off a face mask? Basically as satisfying as an A, obviously. 

Go on a run.

Or a stretch. Or a bike ride. The ARC is always extra empty during exam time, and running on a treadmill for half an hour is scientifically proven to improve brain function. And you can watch your Khan Academy, lecture videos, or TED talks while you do it!

Take a shower.

This sounds obvious, but sometimes in the midst of everything, when you’re crawling into bed at 1 am, showering is the least appealing thing in the world. But please do it. For yourself, and the poor boy that’s stuck taking the test next to you. Light a scented candle, play your favorite playlist. It’s worth it. 

Check in with the people you love.

Call your mom, tell her about how dumb your lecture is or how you totally aced your pop quiz. Give your roommates or housemates a squeeze; we’re all in the same boat. 

Good luck!

Josephine is a fourth year at the University of California Davis, where she is studying Sociology. In her free time, she enjoys picnics at the Davis Farmers Market and watching Friends. She is planning on pursuing a career in writing and hopes to be actively involved in the political realm after graduating. 
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