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4 Ways to Keep Your Cool When School is Kicking Your Butt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

We are busy, busy women. College is demanding, particularly if you also have a job and are responsible for your own rent and bills. It can all be a bit much, especially when you come back from summer break and quickly find yourself buried in schoolwork again! But have no fear. Here are a few cheap (or free!) ways to get some R&R – without falling into a late-night Netflix binge.

1. Take a Dip

Run to your nearest Lush and grab the bath bomb, bubble bar, or bath melt you vibe with the most. (Some of their year-round bath bombs come at an affordable $5!) Pop it in the bath, kick back in the tub, play your favorite tunes, and enjoy the sights and smells of true bath art. Chaucer will wait, and you’ll come out baby-soft, smelling great, and totally relaxed. Plus, you get to pat yourself on the back for fighting animal testing.

2. Get Culinary

This one might take a little prep, but sometimes you need to distract yourself to kick the stressful thoughts out of your head. Do yourself a favor and get cooking! Pick your favorite ‘bulk dish’ – a casserole, chili, or anything that you can store in the fridge, and grab it later for a quick heat-up meal. (Bonus points if you can find a Healthy Version™ of the dish online without falling down any rabbit holes. Avocado mac and cheese? Get in my belly now, thanks!)

Personally, I buy a whole chicken every week or two and take a couple hours to roast it. And just like that, I’ve got the perfect ingredient to star in quesadillas, sandwiches, wraps, you name it! It takes just the right amount of time and effort to get my mind off school for a while. And the best part? You get to save money by not grabbing that phở at the MU between classes.

3. Social Studying

So, you just might be about to tear your hair out from stress, frustration (or both) and you still can’t bring yourself to abandon your chem homework and take a breather. That’s okay! You’re still a stronger woman than me. But staying in and forcing yourself to go over your notes again and again is going to leave you exhausted and probably miserable. Get together with some friends or classmates and have a quick study sesh at the library instead. Not only will being with others calm you down and get you out of your own head, it may help get that one tricky concept to finally click. Really, there’s no downside! And once you’re satisfied with a good night’s worth of studying, why not all go grab a quick drink before you go home and hit the hay? I think you deserve it.

4. Dog Days

If you didn’t already know about Therapy Fluffies here at UC Davis, you’ve been missing out. Student Health and Counseling Services know that going to university can be a lot to handle, and they’ve got your back. Their most popular event is probably Therapy Fluffies, in which they bring certified therapy dogs to the MU for a puppy lovefest. It’s hard to miss half a dozen dogs and their keepers chilling by the flagpole, so usually there is a cozy crowd of people around each dog, chatting and waiting their turn to cuddle the cute little fluffs. Who knows, maybe you’ll make a friend while you’re there! Check out SHCS’s event list on Facebook and see when they’re next blessing us all with their furry friends.

School can seriously stress a girl out, but the key is to take a breather every now and then. The road to success is a long one, but you have to remember to take plenty of pit stops along the way. When you find yourself stressing more than you need to, remember to make a little time for yourself. We’re human beings, not machines! Though, come to think of it, that would be kind of useful… Do machines need coffee?

Laura is an English major at UC Davis and is excited to be a part of the Her Campus team! She wants to travel the world some day so she can learn about other cultures and ways of life first hand. She tries to stay as open minded as possible, and is an avid promoter of self-love, self-care, and self-reliance. She loves to invent characters and over-analyze her favorite TV shows, and considers herself an 'entertainment snob'. Her Dream of the Week™ is to become a script editor. She loves to sing, and is disproportionately proud of her eclectic song library and ability to remember lyrics.
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