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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

1. Calories don’t count this week, right? I’m treating myself for this rough week, that’s all.

2. I’ve been eating so much… I should probably hit the gym. Next week.

3. But I have time to see my friends… I’m just taking a break!

4. If I don’t know this, probably no one else does! 

5. I hope this class is curved.

6. One more shot… of espresso

7. I am so overwhelmed by the mass amount of work I have to do. Time for a nap.

8. These notes make no sense what-so-ever… hello Khan Academy.

9. Maybe if I take more multivitamins I’ll become a study-superhuman…

10. According to my calculations, I can get a 60% on this midterm and still pull off an A in the course… I just need to get 95% on the final!

11. You know what? I don’t care anymore, I just don’t. I just want to get this over with, and have a great weekend, and put this past me.

12. My life is going to be amazing after I’m done with these midterms. I already made a list of everything I’m going to do!

Saba is a third year student at University of California, Davis where she is majoring in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior. She is the former Editor in Chief and Campus Correspondent at her school's branch of Her Campus, where she served from March 2016 to March 2017. She hopes to attain an MD one day, specialize in ob/gyn and later work on public health policies, especially those regarding women's health and reproductive rights.
Editor in Chief, UC Davis chapter founder.