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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Has it been hard for you at UCR?


During the start of UCR you can experience lots of fun with campus activities and the on-site resources. Freshman year is an incredible simulation of exploration, however, as the years go on you may find school incredibly draining. The motivation to go outside your comfort zone can easily subside. Specifically for UCR college students, it can feel like there’s nothing to do. As time goes on, you can find it difficult to socialize and immerse yourself within campus life. 


UCR is a place where you can grow and thrive, but it can also feel isolating. Without much of a college town feel, you can easily be prone to loneliness and pure boredom. There’s a lot of students who transfer outside of Riverside because of this overwhelming burden to find a community and fit into this new college setting. 


Four years can go by without you even knowing it. You’re at freshman orientation and the next thing you know, you’re already preparing for post-grad plans. You want to make the most of the time at UCR even if there are moments of hardship. 


(Photo by Wiki

1. Explore Your Surroundings

UCR is known for its hills and dry climate. Sometimes people prefer to stay indoors because of the heat, but you can accommodate it to your needs by going on a fun night hike. The Botanical Gardens also has a beautiful scenery of nature that can be a great photo opportunity or a fun time with your friends. Take advantage of being close to nature by taking a therapeutic walk in one of these parks, or a good endorphin release from a great hike. 


(Photo by Body Shop Business

2. Invest in the Right People 

Since it may seem like Riverside is a deserted place, you want to find the right kind of people for you. This will make time go a lot faster and give you the enjoyment of getting to know different types of people. It’s a lot easier said than done, but take small steps to find the right community for you. It’s suggested to find your friends in clubs that share your same interests. An even better way is to just start small conversations in classrooms, and build friendships by coffee hangouts or grabbing lunch. 


(Photo by Pinterest

3. Don’t Limit Yourself

When you start to feel discouraged, aim for small goals and work towards what you want out of college. Write a list of what you truly want out of college. Everyone’s college experience is different. Some people may want to focus more on their social life, and others may want to focus on career related goals. You want to have a balance of priorities that you truly value. 


Don’t be tied down to one commitment to a club or group of friends. College is a time where you can try different hobbies and talk to different people from all types of backgrounds. With consistent effort and continual hope, you can find yourself building the experience you’ve always aimed for. 


Overall attending UCR will have its pros and cons. When you’re actively trying you’ll eventually find yourself in a place where you feel comfortable and accepted. It isn’t always the easiest, but without any movement you’ll become stagnant. Continue to move forward, aiming toward the places you strive to experience.

Yale Chung

UC Riverside '21

An artist. A learner. A proclaimer. Lover of words and empowerment. In my free time I enjoy listening to personalized narratives and petting my dogs. I am a firm believer in freestyle dance and ice cream.