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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Warning: midterm season is approaching! I know this time can be crazy and hectic for most of us, which is why it’s important to manage our time well and focus on our mental health. This is why I am going to provide you with my advice on how to practice productive self care during this midterm season!

Get Rest

A key component of performing your best during exam season is being well rested. You don’t want to stay up all night studying just to nearly fall asleep during your exam. Many experts have found that sleep is directly correlated with memory consolidation. When we sleep, our brains process and store information that we have learned so that we can retrieve it in the future. If we don’t sleep, it may be more difficult for us to remember things that we have recently learned. So although it might be hard to sleep at a reasonable hour, it is important to try your best and prioritize it. 

Go On Walks

Go for a hot girl walk and get some exercise! Not only is exercise good for your brain, but walks can help you take a mental break and practice things like mindfulness. Try to keep your laundry list of worries on the back burner and give yourself some time to live in the present moment. When you’re done you will likely feel more energized and focused, so pop in some headphones and some comfortable shoes and get walking!

sandals sidewalk flowers
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

Reward Yourself

After working so hard all day you deserve to treat yourself! Just because you’re grinding doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Watch an episode of your favorite show, get yourself a sweet treat, or just do anything that brings you some joy. It can be big or small as long as it puts a smile on your face and boosts your mood! 

Phone A Friend

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break, call a friend or family member! Talk through your feelings and have a few laughs. Being able to talk to someone might bring you some piece of mind during this stressful time. Maybe they can even help you out or offer you some advice. This is a great way to get some emotional stimulation before stepping into an exam room. Keeping your emotions bottled up might just sabotage your performance, so talking about your feelings can be very beneficial.

Set Daily Goals

Try and set small and achievable goals daily to avoid getting too overwhelmed. Break up your tasks so that you aren’t cramming at the last minute. Make your goals as specific as possible and give yourself a time frame to complete them. For example, break down all the topics you need to cover before your exam and plan to cover an attainable amount each day. This way you can keep yourself on track and motivated. Planning and setting goals can help you minimize stress and even maximize your brain’s ability to actually learn and take in information.

Now that you have all of these useful self care tips under your belt you should be ready to slay those midterms! Good luck and see you on the other side!

Rina Ahuja

UC Riverside '24

I am a third year Psychology major that enjoys writing. I also enjoy trying different coffee shops, listening to music, and exploring new places.