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10 Animal Gifs That Perfectly Describe Your Relationship With Class Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

The special bond that develops between strangers in university lectures is underrated and beautiful. Maybe you don’t always become lifelong besties, but there’s something wonderful about the inside jokes you share with the strangers in your classes. Here are 10 moments that bring you and your class friends together forever. Or at least for a semester.

1. That awkward introduction forced upon you by the professor:

2. Becoming facebook friends so that you can frantically message them the night before assignments are due:

3. Having someone to make eye contact with when that classmate keeps interrupting the prof. These two know: 

4. Having a reason to go to class: 

5. But also having someone who will share their notes when you don’t quite make it out of bed:

6. Admitting to each other that you chose Netflix over homework:

7. Feeling grateful that you don’t have to scramble to find a partner for group projects:

8. When they finish their exam before you and you have to stop writing to wave goodbye:

9. Running into each other months later and reminiscing about the readings you didn’t finish:

10. And best of all, when class friends do turn into best friends: