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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

In honor of National Green Juice Day, let’s get juicy! 

Juicing has been all the craze the past few years. Juice bars have opened up all over, and at-home juicers are always been picked up off store shelves. While it may seem like just a fad, juicing actually has its benefits!

  1. Green juice helps boost your energy. A lot of the time, when you’re feeling low on energy it’s because you’re lacking the vitamins and nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. With a green juice you can the energy you need without the caffeine or sugary energy drinks.
  2. Juice makes it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. Eating your leafy greens is always great, but sometimes nutrients are lost in the process of digestion. With juices, the nutrients can go directly into your bloodstream, thus absorbing faster.
  3. The juice enhances detoxification of the body. Even when you don’t think so, your body is exposed to toxins. This specifically impacts your liver. Green juices are great for detoxifying and supporting a healthy liver. 

Picking up a green juice every day can get expensive, so here’s a recipe you can try at home for your daily dose of greens!

2 cups of spinach

1 apple

1 cup of berries

1 cup of water (can be substituted for fruit juice/yogurt/or soy milk)

If you don’t have a juicer that’s fine! You can add all these ingredients your blender! Add liquids first, soft ingredients and then firm. Slowly increase the speed and blend until it’s smooth. The consistency may be more smoothie like if you don’t want to spend a lot of time blending, but either way you’ll have a yummy green drink right in your own kitchen! 

Tamia is a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in mass communication with a journalism concentration. She is currently serving as one of her chapter's campus correspondents.