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How to Survive Until Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

By: Gracie Roth

    If you’re anything like me, then you struggled through end of October and you genuinely don’t know how you will make it till Thanksgiving. Knowing that I have weeks left of studying, exams, and extracurriculars before I can put my feet up, relax, and eat some amazing turkey makes me sad and stressed, but I’ve managed to come up with a few tips that will keep me upbeat and motivated through these treacherous few weeks.

  • Self Care (Treat Yo Self)!

This is first and foremost my biggest priority when I know I have stressful weeks ahead of me! I always make sure – no matter what – that I take a couple of hours spread throughout the week to focus on myself and my mental/emotional needs. So sit down and paint your nails, watch a good movie or show (Stranger Things season 2), put on a face mask, and get a bowl of your favorite ice cream because YOU DESERVE IT! 

  • School is Still Important!

Even when you’re mentally already on break, you still have to push through and crack down on school. Even if that means skipping dinner with your friends to go study in the library, it will take the pressure off long-term. Just make sure you don’t overwork yourself and always put your needs first (remember, treat yo self!!!). The key is to find the balance between being productive and finding time for yourself.

  • Keep yourself organized!

I am the worst at letting stress cause disorganization – nature tends towards chaos – and when my space is messy, then I feel even more stress. Basically, it is a vicious cycle. Knowing that this is how it works for me and many other people I’ve talked to, I always try to clean and prepare before the stress hits, that way it is easier to maintain an organized space.

  • SLEEP!

I know it is an oxymoron to try to tell college kids to actually get sleep, but this is self-explanatory. Make sure you get your 8+ hours, find time to take a power nap, and try to put sleep above other priorities. Sleep is what your body relies on, and if you aren’t getting enough sleep then it will feel like Thanksgiving will never come.

And just think, once you make it through Thanksgiving and (hopefully) survive through finals, we can all celebrate the joy of Christmas Break!!!