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How to Deal with Stress in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

How To Deal With Stress In College


It is finally October, the fall time has officially come through. But for college students that also means dealing with a huge load of stress when it comes to our school work. Our bank accounts might look poor and sad, that test we just took is the definition of us taking an L and/or we are just overwhelmed with work and keeping on top of things. Stress can drive students crazy but here are some ways to let go of the stressful feeling that is bringing you down


1. Get Enough Sleep

              If there is one thing college students get enough of is sleep. Staying out late with friends or pulling all-nighters can take a toll on your body. Getting enough sleep is essential for the body or it starts breaking down can lead to many ongoing illnesses such as diabetes or depression. So, slow down on the partying and study beforehand so you do not have to pull those long all-nighters. Getting enough sleep will put a bit of ease of all the stress you have been feeling


2. Exercise

      I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, but exercise can actually help reduce all the stress you have been feeling. It has been proved that 20 minutes of exercise can actually reduce stress in your life. So, get around and move do something that makes you feel good whether that is walking, swimming, or just throwing a frisbee around


3. Avoid those energy drinks or boosters

           Yes, those energy drinks and boosters can help you stay up to make it through the day, but they can do a lot of damage to your body. Taking those things can cause a great energy crash making you feel sluggish and make you even more stressful than you already are


4. Do not overload yourself

 Putting too much on your plate can make you feel overwhelmed like the world crashing down upon you. It is great to join many various organizations, but putting that on top of school work can make your life more hectic than it already is. Just make sure that you are not doing way too much and maybe take those 6 organizations you are involved in down to maybe 3 or 2.

5.  Relax and Enjoy Yourself

        In college, we all need to learn how to just take a second to breathe. College can definitely take a lot out of us students, but we need to learn how to relax and just enjoy our time in college. This is the time to figure ourselves out and learn to find the things we want to do in life. We are young and have our whole lives to think about what we want to do or figure out the things to enjoy. So, do not let the stress of college ruin your college experience.


Jessica.Virgo.Dog Lover. Struggling College Student