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Top 5 Freshman Fears, as Told by an Incoming-Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Coming into any new environment can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re starting such an important journey like university. You’ve heard about freshman year your entire life, dreamt about lectures and assignments and… okay let’s be honest here, you’re dreading that, but I’m sure the parties will be as awesome as we think they’ll be!

As an incoming freshman, I share all the hopes and fears you have about coming into first year. Here are the five questions you have entering freshman year, and why you don’t need to worry about them.

1) Am I going to get along with my roommate?

This time around, your roommate isn’t your little sister (but they may still going to steal your clothes). How can you trust that survey you did while getting into residence? What if you’re in a room with a séance-performing-clothes-stealing-psychopath?


It’s not going to be that bad! I spent last year in boarding school and I knew the person I was rooming with before we got there. Everybody thought he was really annoying, but when I got to live with him, he turned out to be such an interesting and down to earth person. Treat this as an experience to branch out and meet new people, because who knows? You might have more in common than you think!

2)    What if I don’t get the courses I want? 

Ah the dreaded course selection. I was there; I felt all of your pain. It felt like I had trained for months to hit the “enroll” button on my screen and when it was finally over, I could breathe…That is, until I found that I had scheduled a conflict in my timetable! How could I have let this happen? What was I going to do?

Needless to say, I was freaking out. But I didn’t have to! So I didn’t get into a course that I wanted; now I could explore entirely different options that will probably benefit me more in the long run. Thinking of your course selection woes as opportunity rather than failure will surely help you.

3)    How am I going to balance academics with my social life?

Like I said in my introduction, you’re here to “study,” right? *winks awkwardly.*

We all want to party, have fun, and make new friends. How can you balance that with keeping on top of your assignments? Make sure you prioritize and manage your time in a smart way! While you’re writing that essay for your English class, take a fifteen-minute break, grab a friend and go down to Starbucks. The break will not only help you keep your mind from blowing up (that won’t actually ever happen… at least I don’t think it will), but it will give you that valuable time spent socializing and making connections.

4)    Speaking of social life, what if I don’t make any friends?

Making friends in a new setting can be a daunting task, especially for those of us who are more introverted. I have my moments of introversion and extroversion, times when I can be outgoing and loud, and other times when I would rather turn the lights off and marathon “LOST” for fourteen and a half straight hours. The key with making new friends isn’t about going out of your comfort zone; it’s about being comfortable finding other people in your comfort zone!

Do you secretly love playing Dungeons and Dragons? Join a club! There, you’ll find like-minded people who share your interests. Are you thinking about reading more, but don’t have the resources to get started? Grab a classmate or two and start a book club! More people are likely to join once they see a larger group having fun. The idea here is to maximize your ability to connect with people in ways you didn’t think could make you new friends. Try something new within something you already love!

5)    What is it going to be like living away from home?

Side note: if you’re living in residence for first year, parts of it will actually feel like Hogwarts!

FREEDOM! You’ve finally done it. But wait, who is going to cook for you? Tell you to clean your room? Living on your own, or at least away from your parents and loved ones can be stressful while you’re getting used to it. Your life is going to be different, and you are definitely going to miss the comfort of your family. Make sure you set up a Skype account and designate a time each week that you and your family will sit down and talk to each other. I know that seems like a lot, but you will be thankful that you have the ability to keep connected to the people who will always be there for you.

University is an adventure. It’s the next chapter of your journey. This is the place where you will create lasting friendships, find out who you are, and learn what your passions are. Don’t let being scared of the future detract from your experience, just breathe and know that these are the years you will never forget.

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