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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Mental health crises have become more common among children and teenagers, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, visits to mental health-related emergency rooms by children aged 5 to 17 have surged by 24% and 31% in 2020. It is likely the result of children being educated remotely and not having the opportunity to interact with their peers enough due to the pandemic.

Illinois, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and Maine are the states that have issued a bill enabling students to miss school for mental health reasons. This bill was introduced to focus on student’s mental health as they return to classrooms while still suffering from the effects of the pandemic.

Students can use “Mental Health Day” to de-stress, be more cognizant of their mental health, and embrace healthier behaviors. Students will be able to learn material more efficiently and quickly if they adopt healthier habits. Notably, 1,500 teens participated in a survey, with 78% thinking that schools should offer mental health days.

Each person should focus on improving their mental health because they will become happier mentally, physically and psychologically.

Hopefully, states in Canada will begin to prioritize mental health and encourage a “Mental Health Day” to students.