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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The first step in your job search should be fixing up your resume. Here are 10 resume mistakes to avoid that will help you get the next job you apply for!

1.   Crazy Fonts

Sure, having a fancy cursive or fun bubble font might seem like a good idea at the time, but to an interviewer it looks unprofessional. Most job resources suggest that you stick with the classic Arial, Times New Roman or Cambria fonts. Studies have shown that if you use crazy or unusual fonts, not only is it difficult to read but the person reading it actually absorbs less information. You should also be aware of the font size that you’re using. Use something big enough to read, but not so large that it takes up a lot of space.

2. Writing a Resume Objective That Doesn’t Match the Job 

When making resume objectives make sure that they’re as specific as possible. Having targeted objectives indicates that you researched what the job is about and that you don’t just keep the same ones every time you apply to a job. Having objectives that are so broad that they could be applied to any job and any industry tells the employer that you don’t care enough to change the objectives for the position you’re applying for.  

3.   Unprofessional E-mail Addresses

If you still have an e-mail address like onedirectionfan13@gmail.com or cutechick45@rogers.com its time to get a new e-mail. It only takes two minutes to do and it’s free. Try to include just your name and if you have to a number. Seeing a professional e-mail is a step in the right direction when an employer is looking at your resume. A good email also ensures that you won’t have any embarrassing correspondence if the employer decides to e-mail you.

TIP: a lot of people had their first e-mail set up by their parents. Double check that the name and contact information attached to your account is yours!

4.   Misspellings and Grammatical Errors

Having misspelled words or poor grammar on your resume means that you will automatically be taken out of consideration. Most employers use spelling and grammar to filter out applicants and won’t even look at it if they see a mistake. Check your spelling and grammar using tools in Microsoft word and DEFINITELY get someone to proofread it before you submit it to anyone.

5.   Present Tense for a Past Job

Never describe past jobs in the present tense, only current positions should be described in this way. If you keep using the present tense to describe past jobs, not only will the employer get confused, but it also might lead them to think that you’re not being truthful. Let the job skills speak for themselves, don’t try to manipulate timelines to make it seem like you had jobs longer than you did.

6.   Reasons You Left a Company or Position

Many people think that if they explain why they left a job on their resume that it will give them a better chance over other applicants. This is not true! A resume is not the place to address transitions in employment. If this is something important to the employer, they will ask you in the interview. Don’t waste precious space or the employers’ reading time with unnecessary information.

7.   Unnecessary Buzzwords

According to business insider, one of the biggest resume turnoffs for employers are unnecessary buzzwords. “They cited words and phrases such as, “best of breed,” “go-getter,” “think outside the box,” “synergy,” and “people pleaser” as the worst to have. Terms employers do like to see on resumes include: “achieved,” “managed,” ‘resolved,” and “launched” — but only if they’re used in moderation”. 

8.   Paid vs. Unpaid Work Experience.

Most people think that the most important things on your resume would be jobs that you got paid for, but this isn’t true! Volunteer and unpaid work can help to put your resume over the top and set you apart from others. Listing unpaid work that you’re proud of or that is relevant to the position you’re applying for are great things to put on your resume! An employer would be more impressed seeing an extensive unpaid work history than 8 part time jobs you had at the mall 7 years ago.

9.   Social Media URL’s That Are Not Relevant to the Position

Feel free to link your Linkedin page or other social media accounts relevant to the job that you’re applying for, but do not put non-crucial social media links on your resume! Linking a personal Instagram or twitter is asking for your resume to be put in the no pile because its seen as unprofessional. There also might be compromising pictures on your social media that you wouldn’t’t want potential employers seeing. So, it’s best to leave social media handles off of the resume.

10.   Company Specific Words or Phrases

Sometimes at your past job you might have used words, customized software, technologies or processes that only people who work there would know. Do not include items specific to certain organizations on your resume. Employers are looking for skills that are useful and applicable to your new job, so including skills limited to your old jobs are irrelevant.

Now get out there and apply for your dream job! Avoid these resume mistakes and you’ll be sure to get it! 

Fourth year Criminology student at the University of Ottawa, Leafs fan, makeup lover and Harry Potter enthusiast.