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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Most of us have a good understanding of how we should take care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health on a daily basis with nourishing relationships and trust.

However, dealing with our acne troubles may not be common knowledge, even though they may be coming from our stress levels, diets, or allergens from the products we use.  

We are fortunate to have the internet at our finger tips to search for new acne products and remedies, and explore new methods to care for our skin. One way we can practice self-care, as the poet and activist Audre Lorde teaches, is by reducing the number of products we bombard our skin with.

To follow in her steps, check out this DIY and all natural acne remedy to try at home!

Create your natural remedy in these 3 easy steps:

  1. In a dark bottle, stir some Chamomile Essential Oil (known to calm irritated and inflamed skin).  
  2. For every 1 ounce of your choice of either Grape seed Oil or Jojoba Oil (both are known to contain anti-inflammatory properties), add 2 drops of the Chamomile Essential Oil.  
  3. Mix together and apply in the affected areas.

With those 3 easy steps, you’ve just made yourself a cheaper, natural and quick skin fix product that will last you months at a time!  

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