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Wellness > Health

5 Workouts To Do When You’re Tired of Weights and the Treadmill

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

As a self-proclaimed gym addict, even I sometimes get tired of my same old workout. There are many benefits to resistance training through lifting weights, as well as cardio training on a treadmill. I’ve made lots of progress and seen the benefits myself with these workouts, but sometimes they’re just plain boring. Here are some fun and effective different workouts to spice up your routine:

1. Boxing

Boxing is a fun way to release all that pent-up stress and anger while getting a great workout in as well! You can do it with a partner you already know, or find someone to partner with during the class and maybe make a new gym buddy. Many commercial gyms have group boxing classes, and boxing is even offered at Montpetit Gym at the University of Ottawa. Extra points to this workout as you will get some self-defence tips as well!

2. Zumba

If you love to dance the night away, this one is for you. As a dancer growing up, this workout has got to be my fave. Zumba is all about Latin music and rhythms. You’ll have to follow the instructor’s dance moves, so it feels a bit like a Just Dance video game, only live! A lot of times the lights are turned off and colourful strobe lights are turned on, so this workout definitely feels like a party! And if it’s your first time trying this workout and you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t sweat (or do!). Nobody will really be able to see you in the dark if you happen to mess up a few times. These classes are offered at many commercial gyms, and uOttawa also has Zumba classes at Montpetit Gym a few times a week.

jenna ortega as wednesday

3. Barre Class

Barre is another dance-oriented workout, however, it’s less of a cardio workout and more of a resistance training workout. Many commercial gyms have Barre classes as well. Barre is ballet-based, as most of the class is done at a ballet barre, and you will work in many ballet arm and foot positions. However, it’s slightly different from a real ballet class as it uses small weights and lots of repetition – so you will really feel the burn! Don’t worry if you don’t have ballet slippers, bare feet work just fine.

4. Squash

This is a fun sport that doubles as a workout. It’s basically tennis against a wall, so you’re playing against yourself! This is another workout I do when I need to let some stress out, as I can get really competitive! Community centres and a few gyms usually have courts, and uOttawa offers drop-in squash at Montpetit during the week.

5. Yoga

Yoga is a great option as there are so many different types of yoga classes to choose from depending on your energy level and how hard you want to work. If you don’t have much energy and need a relaxing class with restoring stretches, you can take a Yin class. I like power yoga classes as they are challenging, you will work on your strength and balance. Take these if you’re up to the challenge! Hatha and flow classes are somewhere in between. On top of that, some gyms have a hot yoga studio, so you can choose between hot or regular yoga. Take the hot yoga if you’re ready to sweat! Yoga has a great meditative quality as well, so you’ll feel super Zen and relaxed after you leave class.

Bonus Workout: Bungee Workout

Not many gyms offer this workout, as many may not have the equipment to accommodate it. If you attend a gym that has this class, definitely try it out! It’s kind of like a dance class, with lots of jumps and spins. With the help of the bungee equipment, a lot of the jumps and spins are done in the air, which is a really unique feeling. You feel like you’re flying! I’ve had so much fun in these classes, I don’t even feel like I’m working out. If you have lots of energy definitely give this workout a try!

Take a peek at this list any time and try a workout when you’re tired of your same old routine to at the gym. Remember: any movement is good movement. Try any and all of these workouts to see which one you like best, and who knows – it might become a part of your new regular gym favourites!

Isabella Siles

U Ottawa '25

Isabella is a third-year student at the University of Ottawa majoring in Health Sciences and minoring in Political Science. She likes travelling, Zumba classes, poke bowls, and falling down Wikipedia rabbit holes.