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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

In fast paced modern life full of scrolling and liking, a lot of things can feel very superficial and fake. Real self-care has taken a back burner even though its increasing importance for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Dissociation from reality is becoming a trend. People, me included, become so engrossed in their online personas or the content they consume that they lose touch with their immediate surroundings and experiences. But there is simple yet profound practice that is a therapeutic tool to promote healing and self-discovery; journaling. It can be as basic as writing something in your notes app. Journaling offers a safe space to express thoughts and emotions, confront challenges, and gain insight into your life. It’s an emotional release that could help promote self-growth. 

“Let that shit go” might be the truest, most candid phrase to ever grace my ears and it is the most important thing to remember when it comes to journaling. It is a sanctuary for releasing the emotional baggage we carry. You can write whole novels on all of your tribulations, but one thing that is integral to the healing process of journaling is once that journal shuts, just let that shit go. You write, and the paper listens. The act of putting pen to paper, or even fingers to a keyboard, can be an incredibly cathartic experience but it won’t work if you’re still dwelling on an issue. The good thing about journaling is always being able to revisit a situation by flipping through a few pages and not being weighed down by a problem as much.  

According to Dr. Saima Latif on Positive Psychology, “Research suggests that journaling can help us accept rather than judge our mental experiences, resulting in fewer negative emotions in response to stressors”. In an already stressor-filled life, some annoying, but necessary emotional strains are the last thing we need. By journaling our thoughts and experiences, we create a record of our journey through life. This record becomes a valuable source of self-awareness and self-discovery, offering insight into patterns of behavior, triggers, and growth. 

The healing power of journaling lies in its ability to act as a judgment-free zone. Many times in our lives we feel we are constantly being criticized from so many angles in our lives. Unlike sharing our thoughts and feelings with others, our journal is a confidant that won’t judge, criticize, or offer unsolicited advice. While talking to people is super important in establishing connections and asking for help, some things are better worked through yourself. This freedom from judgment enables us to be completely honest and open with ourselves, which is liberating and therapeutic.

Journaling as self-care is a timeless and accessible act. In a world filled with constant demands and stressors, the benefits of journaling are numerous and far-reaching, from emotional release and self-reflection to personal growth and empowerment. By taking time to put our thoughts on paper, we take a significant step towards nurturing our well-being and leading a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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Priyanka Maharaj

U Mass Amherst '21

Priyanka Maharaj is a Junior majoring in Public Policy with Biochem minor on the pre-med track. Her Campus is a creative outlet for Priyanka and allows her to interact with the UMass community in a unique way. She is very excited about this year with HC!