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A GIF Story: The Inevitable Downfall of Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

We’ve all been there: making resolutions for the New Year that we promise ourselves we’ll keep. Many of us, including myself, still seem to experience the same process when it comes to acting on our resolutions and it goes a little something like this:

Okay, it’s January 1st. New year. New me. I’m totally motivated. Fresh slate. Let’s go.

The first day of classes arrive and you’re starting the year off with an A. Aw yeah. 

You go to the gym and willingly attend that 7am kickboxing class.

But the next morning you feel like your body has been run over by an 18 wheeler.

No way is that going to stop you though! Next is a salad for lunch. 

But then an hour later you’re hungry again…

You continue your workout routine but this is how you feel by the end of the week: 

A few weeks pass and the schoolwork is piling up but you decide you have better things to do.

Your alarm goes off the next day and you decide to skip a gym session. Eh, I’ll go after class.

The end of the day approaches and you’re just too tired. What’s one day?

Friday night comes and you find yourself eating a chicken bacon ranch pizza at 2am by yourself. 

And honey mustard boneless wings on Saturday night…

By now you start to realize that your resolutions just aren’t working out.

But hey don’t worry collegiettes, there’s always next year!

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Brittaney Lynch

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst