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Dear Society: We Do Not Need Your Definition of Body Image

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Society has started to define body image. As women, we are bombarded everyday on social media by pictures, videos, and articles which represent societal standards of beauty, which can impact the way we view our own bodies. So as a project, I decided to ask nine Collegiettes to describe their body in one or two positive words, and then explain why they chose those words. These were the answers I received.

1. Happy 

“My body is happy because it’s alive and it’s in working order. My body is happy because it is healthy and helps me to do the things I love to do — like eat, because we all know food is bae.”

2. Handsome 

“It’s kind of an in-between for girls, guys, and any gender, because you can be a girl and be just as handsome as any guy.”

3. Hot and Spicy 

“I believe my body is hot and spicy because I portray myself in a way that makes people feel intimidated sometimes. I feel sexy, and my body portrays it because I strive to build a physique I am happy with.”

4. Athletic and Healthy 

“I am always making sure I take care of my body by going to the gym and eating the right foods. You feel better when you are taking proper care of your body and ultimately just having an athletic build and feeling good on the inside is important to me.”

5. Strong 

“My body is strong, because I have proved everyone who has labeled me as disabled wrong.”

6. Great the Way It is

“I struggled for a long time coming to terms with body image, just as a lot of girls do. At this point in my life, I feel happy with the way my body looks; I feel attractive but I know some girls out there do not feel this way. I want them to know, as long as their body is functioning and healthy… the fact that they are alive… means their body is great the way it is.”

7. Beautiful, Tall Body

“I have always been tall. In elementary school, I was the tallest in my class, which people would marvel at. At the time, I didn’t like it. Eventually, I came to love it for a variety of reasons — for instance I don’t have to wear heels. However, I know there are many girls who are self-conscious about their height. My advice for them is while it may seem awkward at times, embrace it — love your height, and look for qualities in your height that make you feel happy. Always feel like a model and think tall, even if you’re not the tallest person in the room.”

8. My Body is Me

“It’s the one I was born with, including all my quirks, flaws, birthmarks, and deformities. I have scoliosis, luckily not severe, but I’ve never felt ashamed of it because through middle and high school I worked hard to master my posture with the help of playing the piano and riding horses. My height and weight are normal, but when I was younger I was described as gawky and strangers would always say to my mom, “Give that girl a burger!” The older I got, the more I appreciated the ability my body has to move, change, and develop. If you can find just one thing every day to love and appreciate about your body, then you will be more inclined to take care of it, and that’s a beautiful thing. There will always be a slimmer waist, longer hair, and a rounder butt…..but I am blessed with my very own healthy body, so I really cannot complain.”

9. Unique & Beautiful

“I struggle keeping a positive mind-set when I look at my body, but when those negative thoughts start to arise, I constantly remind myself that I am beautiful with all my flaws and imperfections. I remind myself I am unique because you will never find someone like me. I am one of a kind, and made unique for a reason.”

There is no true definition of the perfect image. Society can try and create one, but it’s up to us to prove society wrong. A girl’s body image is defined by her own unique beauty. We live in a world where beauty is found in the diversity of our looks, so we don’t need society to give us a definition on body image; we each have our own definition formed already. Every girl and woman should embrace the body they were given….because you are flawless just the way YOU are.



Gif Source: [1]

Photo Sources: All photos were taken by the author


Chloe is double major in political science and legal studies. She is addicted to espressos and tea and her favorite hobbies include sleeping and eating. She also enjoys traveling and pretending she can dance like Beyoncé. Her life motto is "You can catch flies with honey, but you catch more honeys bein fly."
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst