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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Spooky season has come and gone, thus I thought it only appropriate to honor this haunted time with a tarot reading.

I have specially meditated and pulled out specific tarot cards that correlate to one area of life. This is an advice reading, so I have interpreted the cards to help direct you where the universe thinks you need to be led. So, read the sections that you feel best pertain to what you need at this moment. Whether you take this as a silly horoscope or something deeper to meditate on, I hope you find them both fun and practical for wherever you’re at in life.

FeelingS of low productivity

Pulled card: Three of swords

Key words: Heartbreak, rejection, pain

This period of time may be characterized by personal sacrifices and severed relationships that are taking up most of your mental space. You may be feeling doubt and loneliness from a moment or a lasting pattern of heartbreak. Know that you are strong enough to push through this time. Though you are not defined by your circumstances, you will inevitably learn the most through them and it will ultimately shape you into a better and tougher human. So, don’t shy away from any pain you might be feeling – use it as fuel. Cry, break something, punch a pillow, or do whatever you feel necessary to release these pent-up emotions to turn them into a productive drive. Not only will this forge a new and stronger path for you, but you will feel at ease with yourself once you lean into the discomfort.

Don’t let any bottled-up emotions stay trapped within you, because that is likely the cause of any procrastination or feelings of defeat you may have. Recognize your feelings, feel them, and then you will find that completing tasks will be so much easier and more fulfilling.

ExperiEncing loss (relating to relationships, death, opportunities, etc.)

Pulled Card: Judgment reversed

Key Words: Doubts, Self-Judgment, Overcritical

You might be experiencing some major self-doubt right now. This could be caused by external forces, but you are most likely being your own worst critic. You are replaying events in your head, trying to psychoanalyze yourself or the situation in an unproductive manner. Release this. Let go of insecurities and stop criticizing yourself for something you may have done. This is likely an extremely busy time and you feel so overextended by life’s expectations that you are putting your own needs (and more importantly, your desires) on the back burner. Allow yourself to take a break and breathe.

You may be surrounded by strong opinions but try to focus on what your own gut is telling you. Be still with your thoughts and you will gain clarity on how to proceed. Whatever you feel like was taken from you or you have lost, is not what defined you. Whatever your situation, you will not get through it by powering through life. Slow down and be kind to yourself. Listen to what your inner voice really wants, and proceed accordingly.


Pulled Card: Five of Cups reversed

Key Words: Forgiveness, Emotional Maturity, Recovery

You have been going through a transformative time recently, and you should be proud of yourself. This likely came as a result of a disappointing event from a while back, but you took that and focused on yourself and what is actually important to you. This has led you to now, in which you are ready to release the old and move on to new things. Recovery from whatever you experienced has allowed you to be vulnerable again, open to change, and recognize that even though life can be really painful, it is simultaneously abundant in beauty. Look to your past to recognize what you do not want so that you may know what you do want moving forward. If you are still finding it difficult to move on, don’t be too hard on yourself because right now is a great time to face your shadow self and realize all the good things being offered to you in life – if you fixate on the good, you will attract more good.

Closure is upon you and change is so necessary right now, so for whatever decision needs to be made, know that you are ready for it. You have hit emotional maturity (even if it doesn’t feel like it), so don’t slip backward, but instead trust yourself and maybe take the more uncomfortable but more fulfilling option – life will become so much lighter if you do.

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Nicole Malanga

U Mass Amherst '23

Nicole Malanga is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst pursuing a degree in political science with minors in history and women, gender, and sexuality studies. Nicole can be found in her happy places either dancing, drinking coffee, or being surrounded by loved ones. She can't stop reading corny romance novels and loves to read/learn about sociology, social justice, and spirituality. This is Nicole's second semester with HC, and she loves being a part of this female-centric space.