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4 Ways to Gain Body Confidence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Body positivity is a subject that girls and guys struggle a lot with. Loving your body is hard to do when you are part of a society that has false expectations of what a woman and a man should look like. If it were up to society, all girls would look like Victoria’s Secret models and all of the guys would look like GQ cover models. I’m sure you would all be more than okay with looking like that, but that’s not the point.

As girls you should be raised to believe that you are beautiful just the way you are, regardless of your shape or size. I struggle with body positivity. I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten dressed in something I feel amazing in and started off the day on a good note, only to see my reflection in a window or passing car and immediately think “wow I look like a whale!” I’m not proud to admit I have those thoughts, but I’d be a liar and a hypocrite if I said I didn’t. I’m on a journey to love the skin I’m in! So, here are four ideas to help improve your body positivity.

1. Come up with a list of positive self-affirmations and read them daily.

Taking the time to think about the things you love about yourself is so good for you. People tend to focus on the negative parts of their lives so this is a great first step. If you read your positive affirmations enough times, you will slowly start to believe them.

2. Take selfies…..and post them!

In “4 Reasons Why It’s Okay to Take Selfies,” we mentioned that selfies instill self confidence. When you take selfies, it makes you feel better about yourself. Plus, all those likes don’t hurt either! It is ALWAYS okay to post a selfie!

3. Spoil yourself!

Do something that makes you feel beautiful! People often get lost in the chaos of their lives and forget to do things for themselves.  Whether it’s going to the salon, tanning, or even buying new makeup, you should make sure you are making yourself a priority.

4. Eat better and workout

When you take care of your body, it makes you feel happier and increases positive thoughts about yourself. Working out is proven to release serotonin, which is a natural anti-depressant. Fueling your body with healthier foods can also improve your mood drastically.

Doing these four things can help you be happier in life which in turn will make you feel better about yourself. Body positivity is so important in daily life. How you feel about yourself can determine whether you get the job you’ve been wanting, whether the cute boy in your dorm asks you out, and even your grades. A negative body image can affect so many aspects of a person’s life, so more should be done to promote body positivity. You should love the skin you’re in!

Hannah began her involvement with Her Campus as a contributing writer for the UMaine chapter after transferring from Seton Hall University in 2013. Currently, she is the HC UMaine Campus Correspondent and a Chapter Advisor. She is also a staff writer at the University of Maine's student newspaper, The Maine Campus. As a fourth year Journalism student with an English minor, Hannah enjoys writing everything from hard news stories to GIF-filled listicles. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus, Hannah coaches a junior varsity high school cheerleading team. In her spare time, you can find Hannah sharing hair tips on her personal blog, obsessing over Justin Bieber and re-watching episodes of Gossip Girl.