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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

As a freshman at the University of Iowa this year, I was so excited about the brand-new campus recreational center! I’m the kind of person who has always been intimidated by the atmosphere at the gym. What are all those machines, how do you use them and what is “leg day”? Before coming to campus, all of my fitness contained running outside year-round and doing core exercises in my basement. I decided to jazz things up with the start of college and embraced the rec center in all her glory. I have become an especially big fan of the group fitness classes that are offered every day, from 5:30 a.m.to 8 p.m. The wide range of intensity and types of classes allows me to pick what I am feeling that day, anything from Aqua Zumba to BUTI (the hardest thing I’ve ever done). So I decided to challenge myself to 7 days straight, taking on a new fitness class everyday so that I could give you beautiful readers the scoop, so you can all feel confident tackling the gym like I did!

First Day- BUTI with Denise

Rec Center description:

“BUTI Yoga is a high-intensity fusion of yoga, tribal dance and plyometrics. Classes combine cardio, strength training and flexibility in one seamless format. BUTI is challenging, uplifting, empowering and will make you get your sweat on! BUTI is practiced to high energy and upbeat music allowing participants to free their Minds, Bodies and Hips.”

My description: 

The hardest thing my body has ever experienced. BUTI is unlike any other kind of kind of of exercise I have ever done. BUTI is like taking power yoga and adding some kind of movement to each pose. Instead of standing in warrior two and getting your zen on, you are lunging in and out of warrior two with your arms making circles around your body to the beat of a very high paced tribal song. While this may not sound fun, it is! I have done BUTI every week since the beginning of the semester, and while it has not gotten easier, I have definitely gotten stronger because of it and look forward to it every week. This class is definitely for ladies who want to challenge themselves and want to get stronger and sweat it out. 

[Me and my best friend Katherine Snyder post-BUTI]

My Rating: 4.8/5

Second Day: Zumba

Rec Center description: 

“When participants see a Zumba class in action, they can’t wait to give it a try. Zumba classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Before participants know it, they’re getting fit and their energy levels are soaring! There’s no other fitness class like a Zumba Fitness-Party. It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating, often building a deep-rooted community among returning students. High Intensity/High Impact.”

My description:

The fitness center pretty much nails it! Zumba is definitely not traditional dance moves, which may make it harder for people who struggle with regular dance. However, once you get the hang of it, it’s very fun and exciting! The key to a good Zumba session is an open attitude: you need to go in ready to look kind of silly and just have fun with it. I would not say it is that high intense of a workout, instead, the class feels similar to how you would feel after a hour long dance party, but not like a sweat your you-know-what off. It’s a very fun workout, but if you are in the mood to really hit the fitness grind, I would suggest something more like BUTI or a combination of Zumba and the stair machine and/or the elliptical before or afterward. 

My reviews: 3.5/5

Third Day: Aqua Zumba

Rec Center description: 

“Known as the Zumba “pool party,” Aqua Zumba gives new meaning to the idea of an invigorating workout. Splashing, stretching, twisting, even shouting, laughing, hooting and hollering are often heard during an Aqua Zumba class. Integrating the Zumba formula and philosophy with traditional aqua fitness disciplines, Aqua Zumba blends it all together into a safe, challenging, water-based workout that’s cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and above all, exhilarating beyond belief.”

My description: 

Hm…mixed reviews. It was fun, don’t get me wrong! However, I wouldn’t really call it a workout. There was a lot of hopping to the beat, but I wasn’t working very hard. This would be a fun activity to do with your friends on a day off or pairing it with a run or circuit workout because then you get a good amount of actual work in and a very solid amount of recovery time in the pool. You also have to be okay with looking very silly because people will stop by the pool and just watch you, which is awkward, but happens, so prepare for that!

My Reviews: 2/5

Fourth Day: About that…

The fourth day of this seven-day challenge didn’t exactly work out. It was Saturday, which was a home football game day and I had to work that morning, so I didn’t get to the rec that day. However, this is another important thing to know about the rec: there are very limited classes on Saturdays and Sundays. There were a few morning classes and one evening class offered that day, so it just didn’t work for me to go. So, it is very important to plan ahead if you want to go to fitness classes, otherwise the weekend might be better to work out on your own depending on your schedule! Another important thing to note: it is totally fine to take a break! Fitness is a lifelong journey that requires pushing yourself and working hard, but also taking good rest to recover and focus on other parts of your life. It is important to figure out what works best for you, and that should include much deserved rest days. Anyway, onto the fifth day!

Fifth Day: Power Yoga

Rec Center Description:

“A fitness-based approach to Vinyasa style flow. POWER incorporates strength, flexibility, balance, cardio and physical and mental stamina in one session. Energetic music is played throughout the entire class.”

My description:

Super nice balance between challenging your strength, while still maintaining vinyasa breath and getting a good stretch. I am a huge fan of power yoga here! Denise is an amazing teacher, she is very strong and energetic and picks the right music to pump you up as well as keep that yoga zen. Power yoga is great for when you want something harder than regular yoga, but a little less intense than a full on “gym rat” workout. It will still get your heart pumping, but will leave you not dead on the rec room floor (RIP).

My Reviews: 4.8/5

Sixth Day: WERQ

Rec Center Description: 

“WERQ® is the wildly addictive cardio dance workout based on today’s hottest pop, rock, and hip-hop music.”

My description: 

Super fun, upbeat and empowering dance class! Personally, I love to dance and did a little bit throughout high school, so this class is a great mini version of that. It is very fast paced with little actual instruction and is a lot of watching and just trying to catch on as you go. If you struggle with that kind of instruction or don’t enjoy it, then this class may not be for you, but it is also super fun even if you aren’t 100% nailing the moves. It is similar to Zumba in that you have to have the right attitude going into it. You have to be willing to let loose and just have fun, because honestly nobody else in that room is worried about whether or not you look cool doing the dance moves or not. It is also a good workout, I finished pretty much drenched in sweat. I loved this class and will definitely be going back for more!

My reviews: 5/5

Seventh Day: BUTI (again)

So, I just had to go back, but this time I took some friends! I figured I would be better at it this next time… and turns out I was not. The class kicked my butt, but still super fun and a very hard work out. 

My Reviews (pt. 2): 4.8/5 

My Final Thoughts

Overall, this was worth the challenge! I am pretty sore after such an intense week, but I loved having that to look forward to everyday. This challenge was a great motivator and made me appreciate the rec center and all that it has to offer the students at the University of Iowa. 

What is your favorite workout class?

Image Credit: 1, 2, 3

Sarah Schott

U Iowa '22

Freshman at the University of Iowa! Political Science/Journalism Double Major
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.