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10 Thoughts We Have at the Rec as Told by ‘Parks and Rec’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Sometimes we go to the rec and leave feeling magical, like we can do anything. We feel like we will get every homework assignment done and go to all of our lectures, and the world will bow at our feet. But most of the time, we leave the rec feeling like our bodies actually died in there, and it’s just our souls floating around this campus filled with people who are more athletic than we are. It’s hard to go to the rec some days, we all get it, and so do our friends from ‘Parks and Rec,’ so here’s a play-by-play of how things usually go down when you try and work out on campus.

1. When you walk into the rec, and you feel like you can take on the world.

2…. But then you actually start your workout.

3. Picking the lowest resistance on the elliptical, so you can tell people you “ran” 4 miles and feeling like you can do anything afterwards.

4. Halfway through your work out when you’re reconsidering all previous life choices that brought you to this particular hellish stair stepper at this particular moment.

5. When you decide on a whim that you are definitely athletic enough to hop on a treadmill and keep up with Lolo Jones running beside you who somehow is managing to run a six minute mile and still look fresh.

6. Trying to play it cool when you’re walking from your cardio machine to get a disinfecting wipe, but inside you just want to lay down on the floor.

7. You’re attempting the weight machines, and you see an equally inexperienced gym-goer watching you to see how to use said machine.

8. That person that did a lot of sports in high school and keeps shoving their athletic abilities in everyone’s face, and you kind of just want to drop a giant free weight on their foot.

9. Walking home from the rec and resisting all urges to stop at the nearest food place on the way back for some rest and recovery.

10. When you finally get home, strip down, and lay on your floor in a sweaty pile of sore muscles, knowing that one day you’ll have to face the rec again.


Image sources: Google

Emily is a sophomore at the University of Iowa studying Communication Studies and Event Planning. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and her plans for her future are to simply eat so many waffles she becomes Leslie Knope.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.