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Sweet/Vicious is the Most Badass New Show and You Need To Start It Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

“I’m sorry, I thought no meant yes. You didn’t stop when she said no.”

It’s mid-November, we’re all drowning in work and are basically crawling to Thanksgiving break. The weather’s getting cold and gross and hope seems like a faraway dream, until MTV steps in with its groundbreaking new show.

Enter Sweet/Vicious: the new MTV series that finally revolves around the evil that is sexual assault and rape culture, and the totally vengeful way (that we’ve all thought about) of confronting it. There’s action, suspense, romance, and even pink puke.

Yeah, you read that right.

The story follows Jules, a sorority sister by day, vigilante feminist by night, and Ophelia, edgy-girl turned vigilante feminist-sidekick. Basically, these two cool chicks team up to form the most badass, justice-serving (yet still accurately awkward) female duo our young minds have ever seen.

We follow Jules’ journey towards righteousness as she struggles with trust, communication, and revealing the truth that is all too real for so many real women today. Confronting the difficulties and consequences (or lack thereof) of sexual assault isn’t something a lot of shows are doing right now, and exposure is extremely important. Though violent vigilante justice might not necessarily be the way to combat the injustices seen all too often with sexual assault in the U.S., we love the confidence and power radiating from these characters who just want to set the record straight.

With Jules’ kickass ass-kicking and Ophelia’s enviable investigative work (don’t act like you didn’t’ find that guy’s Twitter handle in two seconds flat), this show is keeping us on the edge of our seats. It’s got punchy, relatable humor that 20-something girls just get and TBH it’s satisfying to finally see some real, live, action being taken against offenders (even if they’re just actors). 

Plus, it’s got a killer soundtrack.


Catch episode two of Sweet/Vicious next Tuesday at 10pm EST (after you’re caught up on the first one) and don’t throw away those black leggings just yet…



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