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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I have a confession and I ask that you refrain from judging me in this time of vulnerability.


I’m addicted to buying mugs.


Wipe that look off your face! This is serious business. In fact, mugs are arguably the most serious of business because they serve a VITAL purpose. They are trusted with holding and transporting the elixir to life, coffee. Given my rather severe condition, I’ve amassed a large collection of mugs. From delicate cups to gallon tanks, beautifully artistic to functional, glass to metal, I’ve tested one of everything on the market.


That being said, I have some strong opinions when it comes to the fabled best mug. I want a mug that keeps my drink hot for hours, is aesthetically pleasing, fit for all seasons and times of the year, and dishwasher safe.


I know, that is a pretty tall order.


But I’ve taken this time out of my day to announce, that at long last, I’ve found the mugs of lore. Let me introduce you to the creme dela creme, the goblets of legend, the mugs of our caffeine fueled dreams, and all of them at reasonable price points.

Contigo Autoseal

Ello Campy

Ello Cole



I've been told I'm quite loud, but I prefer the term "expressive".