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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

When you wake up in the morning, do you dread getting out of bed? That used to be me. Up until the last couple of years, I was never a morning person. I always aspired to be one of those people whose body simply wakes up at 7 a.m all on its own. Today, I can successfully do that! Go from snoozing your alarm, to waking up naturally because you are truly excited to start your day. All it takes is a morning routine that works for you – whether that be 30 minutes or 3 hours long. Here are my biggest tips to step up your morning!


Make your bed. 

It may seem trivial, but as soon as you are up, make your bed! If you make your bed first thing in the morning, you will have immediately completed your first “task” of the day, setting you up for success.

In a college dorm especially, making your bed (and letting in natural light) makes the world of difference in opening up your small, congested space! Though that small sense of pride you feel may be subconscious, you can always count on one thing being done. If nothing else goes right that day, at least your bed is made! 


Take your time. 

Every morning, I make sure I leave at least an hour to drink my hot coffee, journal, and let my mind wander to think about anything but my responsibilities for the day. It is not often we get time to ourselves. Why rush to PJ’s on your way to class, when you can make your own coffee at home, (save some $), and truly enjoy it? Start in increments – set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier tomorrow. With time, it gets easier, and eventually, you will wake up early on your own.



When people hear the word “journal” or “meditation”, they often freak out and immediately push it aside as something they are “bad at”. The truth is, there are absolutely no rules to journaling. It is merely a way to clear your brain before tackling a long day of classes & all of the other responsibilities you have. If you are new to journaling, try setting aside 5-10 minutes a day (mornings are ideal) to write a few things you are grateful for. The next day, write down your goals & intentions for the week. You are much more likely to feel grateful or motivated if you write these thoughts down!


Eat a breakfast you love! 

One of the benefits of waking up a couple of hours earlier is that it gives you the flexibility to have a breakfast that will fuel you for the day. In college, skipping meals because you are “too busy” has become normalized. In reality, you will likely be able to focus for longer or perform better on exams with a full breakfast. Sit down and take time to enjoy it. I used to find myself cramming down a meal in front of my computer; today I carve out at least 30 minutes to cook a big breakfast with my roommate, despite how busy I am that day. Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all! 


Bottom line – romanticize your mornings! Pick one small habit to start implementing into your mornings, whether that be setting aside 5 minutes to try a journaling exercise, or finally leaving yourself time to cook breakfast. Set your alarm for 5 minutes earlier tomorrow, and start building habits to set you up for success. After all, small habits make big differences! 

Good morning written in coffee
Photo by Jonas Mohamadi from Pexels

My name is Ariana DeFranc and I am a sophomore at Tulane Universtiy. I am outside of Boston, and am studying Marketing. I love everything health & wellness, and hope to inspire other young women on how to live a balanced life with a positive mindset.
Her Campus Tulane