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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Coming from the South, I had no clue why I was leaving home for a place so far and so different. Where I am from, Tufts is a school no one really knows. I would always have to mention, “It’s in Boston” every time I spoke of it. However, everyone at Tufts knows Tufts. They know how unique, or how quirky, of a college it is. Tufts is like no other. My experience so far can be summed up by these recurring thoughts I have daily. 

Wait, am I really in college? Yesterday, September 11th, marked my two weeks at Tufts. It’s odd to describe college as a long-term summer camp, but that’s exactly how it feels. Having classmates around all the time feels weird. It hasn’t truly hit me that I am in college. Pep rallies, prom and graduation felt like yesterday, and here I am now: in a dorm room writing about college life like I’m an expert after two weeks.

Hills are a thing. In my home city, the only way to travel is by driving. The land there is flatter than the magic only a hair straightener can accomplish. My legs have never been as toned as they are right now. Living uphill is convenient in terms of attending my classes—until I have to reach 574 Boston Ave. I might have to Uber there in the winter. As I am walking to class, I call my mom just to give her an update on life. But all she hears is my heavy breathing as the wind blows harshly in the background. And remember, it is only September. The walk downhill to Dewick and Hodge seems worth it on the way down, but after a good meal, the last thing I want to do is hike back up.

Take up new activities. The club fair during O-week is nothing compared to the amount of club plugs in the 2023 Facebook chat. Facebook is huge, even though I still see it as an old person thing. From club sports to consulting clubs, Tufts has something for everyone. It’s a great way for meeting people other than your roommate, pre-o group, and dorm mates, which people usually are sticking to at the moment. I made an effort to go to as many GIMs as possible, but only stick with a few. After all, having a balanced schedule is key. 

Communal living is rough. It is weird sharing “your” room with another person. I completely lucked out with the random assignment, but I have already heard of nightmare stories. Imagine your roommate already spooning with someone in your room. Like come on, it’s only week two! Sharing three toilets and two showers with 19 other girls is also a sore subject, especially when one of the showers overflows with water before you even get in (Someone please fix Miller 4E). Just remember, others are using the same bathroom. Pick up your hair after showering and always make sure the toilet flushes. 

It’s okay to feel alone. Lastly, a huge thing people don’t talk about. The beginning of college can feel outright horrible. No one talks about the part where you worry if you’ll sit alone at meals or if you’ll find your forever friends soon. Having no pre-o, the only person I knew was my roommate at the beginning; I was truly afraid of being bored in college. But I made an effort to say hi to random people while waiting in lines or to sit with new people at different meals. Because during the orientation week, everyone is a freshman. No one truly knows anyone. It is comforting to know that you are not the only one having mixed emotions. 

The one adjective I would describe my college experience right now is: content. I am not completely wowed by it, but I don’t hate it. The college journey for everyone is different, but by the end of it, I hope I find what I sought it out to be and much more.