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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

College isn’t the constant party that we’re all led to believe it’ll be because of what we see in movies. It’s also not the nightmare that many people sometimes make it out to be. But one thing is for sure: college can be stressful. Managing a social life while figuring out which organization you want to be involved with, dealing with being away from home, and trying to stay on top of your grades is no easy battle. That’s why I’ve compiled this easy list of things to help manage stress throughout the school year.

  1. Spread out each task. I know this seems easier said than done but as a frequent procrastinator myself, I have come to realize that doing a little bit of everything you need to get done each night makes it easier to complete what you’re working on.
  2. Make time for your friends. Sometimes when you have a lot on your plate, hanging out with your friends might be the last thing on your mind. But making sure to leave a slither of time for your friends will not only help you to relax, it will keep you grounded and remind you to embrace all sides of college life. Your body needs to relax more than it needs to retain information. Too much down time isn’t good, though.
  3. Do bigger tasks first, before moving onto the smaller ones. Although it might seem like doing small tasks first is the best bet because they take less time, that isn’t the case. Tackling bigger tasks first leaves you with much more relaxation time since easier task take a lot less time to complete. It’s also a lot less harmful to yourself if you procrastinate on an easy task.
  4. Make time for you! There is nothing more satisfying than treating yourself to getting your hair or nails done, watching a movie, or reading a book. I’ve had friends that claim that they don’t like to be alone but I think everyone needs their alone time. It’s the most important part of adjusting to college life, in my opinion, because it allows you to de-stress in whichever way you want. I also like to use my alone time to meditate. When you’re stressed, being in touch with your mind and body is the fastest way to figure out what is wrong and fix the problem.
  5. Netflix! If you don’t have Netflix, I strongly suggest that you get it. For $8 a month you have instant access to thousands of movies, documentaries, and TV shows. I’m sure this seems like a typical college student recommendation but I promise you that you won’t regret it – especially on snow days!
  6. Utilize all resources. A lot of students don’t realize that they are not alone in college. Luckily for us Tigers, Towson offers tons of resources to help students throughout their journey through higher education. The Writing Center helps you write your papers, The Career Center helps you look for jobs, internships, etc. while teaching you the process of applying for a job, and The Counseling Center is a place where you can go to talk to if you’re having a difficult time. These are just a few examples of completely different resources Towson offers that many students don’t know we have.
  7. Be physically active. We have a gorgeous campus filled with a lot of beautiful scenery that is underappreciated by many. If you’re not a fan of the constantly-crammed gym, go on a walk or a run around campus. Not only is it a great way to get some exercise, it is also a wonderful way to clear your mind.
  8. Get serious about your education. Towson is filled with a lot of professors that sincerely want to see their students succeed. They’re willing to help you pull yourself back up if your grades start slipping by accepting extra credit and offering additional assignments. But if you get stuck with professors that are just doing a job for a paycheck, you could be digging yourself in a hole if you don’t take your grades seriously. That could result in you failing and having to retake the class. The only thing worse than failing a class is telling your parents, or whoever is paying for your education, that you wasted money because you were fooling around. With all of the fun activities Towson has to offer, it can be easy to forget that we’re here to learn. College isn’t about speeding through the week so that you can go out and party on the weekends – as fun as that is, partying isn’t going to get you a great job when you graduate. Staying on top of your workload is also the easiest way not to freak out during finals week because that final won’t be the thing dictating whether you pass or fail the course (unless it is cumulative and in that case…good luck).
  9. Keep in touch with your parents. I know that some people aren’t as close to their parents as I am with mine but calling your parents, or whoever your support system may be, is a great way to remain grounded and focused. Some people go to college to get away from their parents but you never know how much you need them and their advice until you’re surrounded by people that know nothing about you and you start to feel lost.
  10.  Get involved! Getting involved is a great way to meet new friends. It’s also a fantastic way to get your mind away from your studies and anything else troubling you. If you’re involved with an organization that helps other people in need, like the organization I am involved with, it can be very refreshing to be selfless and forget about your worries.

These simple and easy steps require no major changes to your lifestyle and aren’t harmful in any way (unless you become addicted to Netflix). You have four years to explore college and figure out what is right and wrong for you – you don’t need to overwhelm yourself by jumping right in. Managing stress not only makes you a happier you, it benefits everyone around you because when all is well within yourself, you can be a better help to others.


Cydney is a senior at Towson University majoring in English with a focus on writing. In addition to being President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Towson, she always writes fictional stories in her free time. Cydney spends a lot of time online shopping, on Netflix, dreaming of buying purses and reading a good book all while hunched over her handy dandy iPhone. After college Cydney plans to write her own books and to go to as many concerts as possible.
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