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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Everybody has different goals in life. Sure, you know people who are the same year, major, or are taking some of the same classes as you, but that doesn’t mean that they want to do what you want to in the future, nor does it mean that you need to do the same things to get there.

Social media has created this reaction of comparison. I look at other people who are my age and wonder why I’m not where they are. How are they doing so much more? And then I begin to question not just my ability, but even my looks. It has become so normalized to compare oneself to another person and think that there is something wrong, but that is entirely false.

First and foremost, everyone is beautiful the way they are. Sometimes people compare colors, looks, and sizes, but it is important to acknowledge that everybody is different. Everybody was made a certain way, and it is ok. Everyone was made to be different and unique and it is important to acknowledge and celebrate those differences.

Furthermore, everyone is at different stages of life. You may not have your dream job or the internship you want, or maybe you’re not even at that stage, yet you see people your age doing it and compare yourself. Everyone has different goals and outlooks, and there is no set way you need to be doing your life. Everyone’s all going to put themselves out there and do different things, and it is important to acknowledge and realize that. Everybody is at different steps so there is no need to get ahead of ourselves and stress over the possibility of not being good enough because that is entirely false. Instead of looking at other people and their accomplishments, looks, and what they do, everyone needs to look at what they are doing. Are you working to be better than the person you were yesterday? Are you doing what needs to be done for you in your life? Because the only person you should ever compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. As long as you are working to be a better you, that is all that is important.

Daisy Ruiz

Texas '25

Hi! I'm Daisy and I'm a current economics major here at UT Austin. I love anything skincare related, my dogs, and going to new places.