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Rebecca Hoskins / Her Campus Media
Wellness > Mental Health

Words of Affirmation To Help You Achieve Your Goals

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It can be hard to step out of your comfort zone and be bold. Stepping into your purpose and actively pursuing your goals can come with its fair share of inner conflict and self-doubt. It’s easy to give into imposter syndrome and negativity that only serves to distract you from claiming your seat at the table. 

Although it’s always nice to receive encouraging words from the people in our lives, having someone there to cheer you on and see you through your struggles is not always a guarantee. The following confirmations are phrases meant to empower you and allow you to have a positive reinforcement that will focus your mind and block out the despondent thoughts. 

  1. All of me matters

No matter what you are going through, you are not the thoughts and opinions of onlookers. Though others may overlook you and make you feel like you are not enough or, you are too much, you decide what defines you. Every part of you is significant to who you are and who you want to be. This is crucial to recognize, realizing your goals and dreams calls for you to see that everything that makes you unique is what will help you succeed. 

  1. I don’t need to hide parts of myself

It is natural to want to hide parts of yourself to fit in with and feel accepted, but we shouldn’t allow it to become a habit. This phrase is a reminder to continually work on expressing your most authentic self with every situation you encounter, and everyone you meet. If others arent accepting of every part of you then they don’t deserve those parts of you. It takes too much energy and restraint to change who you are for others. Your time is valuable and your authenticity is a testament to your character. 

  1. My adversities are an opportunity 

In the same way, others don’t define you, neither do your struggles. Going through hardships can be painful and emotionally draining. These feelings can often make it seem like those difficult circumstances are overwhelmingly unbearable, but adversity can be an opportunity for your strongest self to be cultivated. If you allow yourself to be empowered by your hardships, you will realize that those are part of what give you the ability to face life with resilience. 

  1. I don’t need to have it all figured out 

Life isn’t a set-in-stone path. You’ll find that change can be a complicated thing to undergo, but the lessons you learn through it will be valuable in how you strive to achieve your goals. Having doubts is okay, embracing them will help you continuously discover what you want out of life. They will help shape your goals and the tactics you will use to achieve them. We are all works in progress, and inviting change into our lives is a way to narrow down our objectives in life.

Ilyanna Santos is an aspiring writer and journalist from Austin, Texas. She is currently studying journalism at the University of Texas at Austin and is the Marketing and Social Media Director for Shamari Realty. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, and having a good cup of tea.