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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Why I March

The Women’s March mission and vision: “We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.”



People have different reasoning’s for protesting in the women’s march. They want to advocate for planned parenthood. They want to stand up against the new President Trump. They want to show the world they are feminists. They want to rally against misogynists and promote equality. Those are all valid reasons which some exploit and twist to mean something else. However, I believe the true meaning for the march for women was something bigger.

    I marched for a better future. A better one not for me, but for those who come after me. Some say it is disrespectful for us, American women, who have so many rights while other women in different countries do not, are being ungrateful of what we already have. To those people I say that what we start here builds and grows into other countries. We fight, better ourselves, educate ourselves with the hope that we will inspire others to do so also. We wake up and rally together to protest not only against the injustice women face in the United States but also for the mistreatments and horrors women face all around the world.

    It might sound silly or naïve to some people that us American women protesting could impact the world, but it is possible. We are standing in something that upholds not just women’s right but also human rights. Without people to start a spark suffering and mistreatment will continue. I am proud of all the women and men and children who decided to march in something they believed in because without them future change would not be possible.  

“Mission & Vision.” Women’s March on Washington. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.


Hi! I've lived in Texas all my life. Im an international relations major and pre-law student. I love running, swimming, cycling, working out, and just being outdoors