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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Hi friends!

I know that going home for spring break isn’t the easiest thing to do for everyone. “Home” may be the place you feel least supported. “Home” may be a place lined with trauma instead of white picket fences (was that too dramatic?). While I don’t want to focus too much on the negatives, I do want to let you know that you’re not alone and if “home” doesn’t offer you any support, we can! (Also, check out the CMHC’s “Self-Care” page! They give you a whole list of resources to help with support systems and self care!)

Photo-in-your-wallet tactic.

If you’re like me, you feel super attached to your apartment. I feel like I built this place from the ground up- even though I just decorated it, gave it a vibe, and made it smell nice. My point is, I made my apartment my second home- a place I feel great comfort in. If you feel the same way about yours, bring parts of it home with you! Whether it be a throw blanket, rug, potted plant, or even your favorite frying pan, bringing a piece of your comfort zone with you may help keep you grounded. Whenever you look at it or feel it, it might bring you some type of comfort and feeling of safety. It’s synonymous to keeping a photo of a loved one in your wallet. Wherever that memoir goes, it brings with it a small piece of comfort, love, and safety.

Become Joanna Gaines.

Granted, this one may take more time, money, and physical labor than the first tactic- take on your own Fixer-Upper project and reinvent your old room at home. I know from personal experience that whenever I reorganized or redecorated my room at home, I felt like a whole new person. I felt newer and the fogginess in my head cleared up a little bit. I realized it was because I didn’t have the best high school experience, so going back to a room that stayed the same throughout high school triggered some not-so-nice memories. After I changed things up, I no longer felt trapped by old memories. I was lucky to have my parents support, so if this might cause riffs between you and your parents, maybe skip it. I don’t want one of my tactics to add on to your list of worries.

Jack of all trades.

This last tactic may be done within the comfort of your room and doesn’t necessarily break your wallet- try to master a new hobby! Now you might be thinking, “Duh Delphi, anyone could have thought that one up”, but there are so many other hobbies to pursue that aren’t your run-of-the-mill kitting or painting. For example, when I had to stay in Austin an extra two weeks during winter break due to my internship, I took those two weeks that I was alone to brush up on my Indonesian (my native tongue). It sounds sad now, but I couldn’t have a full conversation with my grandparents before those two weeks! Now, I can have a semi-decent one! Here are some hobbies you could pursue starting with most expensive to least!

Photography – Go buy yourself a DSLR, polaroid, or even a disposable camera and have a cute photo sesh in your room! Get boujee with it and also buy a backdrop and props!

Upcycling / Revamping – Go to your local thrift store and purchase home decor or clothing that you think needs an upgrade. For home decor such as picture frames or pottery, you can paint over them with a totally new design or color palette and make them fit your room’s vibe. For clothes, turn baggy tees into crop tops or sew different patches of patterns into jackets or jeans. Overall, customize those clothes to make something fit your aesthetic and maybe even find a new one?

Nail Art – For YEARS, I painted my nails with the typical base coat, creme polish, and top coat. Once I discovered gel nails and UV curing (I purchased my UV nail lamp from Amazon ), I never looked back! Because the UV light solidifies gel nail polish so fast, I’m able to paint on cute designs and use multiple layers of polish to get the look I want. Sometimes, I’ll be so caught up in my nails that I kill about 3 hours of my day!

Baking Bread – This one is a life changer. Fresh bread? Unbeatable. And some recipes only cost about $8-10 dollars to make! Make that bread. Make it!!

Start a New Language – Learning a new language may seem hard, but apps like Duolingo, Babbel, MangoLanguages, and so many others allow you to start to learn a new language for free! I’ve already started Italian and it’s molto eccitante.

Volunteer – Especially at pet shelters! Not only would animals give you that rush of serotonin, you’d also be spending hours of your day doing something that helps others (or other organisms in this case!)

I hope this helped some of y’all! I wish y’all the safest spring break- and do be sure to try and give your body and mind a proper break!


Delphi Pradiana

Hi! My name is Delphi (pronounced del-fee) and I'm a junior studying psychology and business administration at the University of Texas at Austin. My passions have always included helping people and I joined HerCampus with that sole intention. I believe we all feel alone sometimes and I think that sharing my experiences, thoughts, and emotions might help some of y'all as well as me not feel so lonely. If anything, I just hope that my articles can make you smile a little bit or even laugh. I love writing about mental health, self-care, and romance, so expect to get a little personal when reading my articles!
Chandler is a senior at UT double majoring in English and Chinese while pursuing a Certificate in Global Management. She currently serves as one of HerCampus Texas' Campus Correspondents and adores live music, dogs, friends, and mindful living ♥