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Unity Among Women

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Ever since I can remember, Ive been comparing myself to other women. Asking myself questions like, Am I prettier than her?” “Is she smarter than me?” “Does that boy like her better than me?All my life, Ive been trying to see how I measure up to other women. I never took the time to ask myself why the quality of my beauty, brains, or personality depended on someone else lacking in those departments. Even more disturbing, I didnt find it strange that I wanted others to fail so that I would feel like the best

It begins when were all very youngthe idea that we should be insecure about other women excelling is instilled in us before we begin the third grade. This idea is the reason that we tell people I hate youyoure so thin!” “Ugh! Youre so pretty it makes me sad!” “Stop being so perfect Im going to cry.Its the same reason we say that pretty girls are stuck up and that smart girls have no lives. Its the reason that we cant fully appreciate who we are as people. Instead, we spend our time trying to figure out who is betterthan us, and tearing them down for it. 

For many people, feminism is about empowering women. To some it means giving us the right to vote, to drive, and to work without being expected to pop out 8 or 9 children. To others it means desexualizing womens bodies, eliminating dress codes in middle schools around the country, or doing away with rape culture. But, what a lot of people miss when they talk about feminism, is something that I think is the most important. I think women have the right to be confident. I believe that we all should be able to check our insecurities at the door, particularly when they stem from another womans success.

Ultimately, feminism is only beneficial if women are unified and unafraid of both each others triumphs and their own shortcomings. Confidence is not walking into a room and feeling like youre superior to the other women surrounding you; confidence is walking into that room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else.

Jane Doe

Aberdeen '20