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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

In the era of COVID, where loss and isolation constitute the new normal, slowing down, reflecting, and extending grace act as life saving measures. I lost my father last December just before the pandemic hit, and this last year has been one of the hardest of my life. Distant from friends, stuck at home, and immersed in online classes, my grieving process looks different than I thought it would. Some days, I feel fine or even normal, laughing and smiling spontaneously. Other days, I break into tears and can barely function as I sit behind my computer screen in a zoom meeting. To everyone mourning in 2020, whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or the loss of a former reality, please know that my heart is with you. I hope these tips offer, comfort, love, and patience.


♡Remind yourself that grief is not linear; you will likely fall in and out of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This is perfectly normal, healthy, and okay.

♡Keep in mind that everyone’s grieving process looks different. Don’t get trapped in comparing your grief to someone else’s, but rather learn to accept your own, unique timeline.  

♡Surround yourself with a loving support system, even if this means reaching out via text or FaceTime. Pain thrives in isolation and seeking connection may invite breakthroughs in the grieving process as you talk through your feelings.

♡Try writing a letter to your lost loved one. This may help express unresolved feelings and aid you in seeking closure.

♡If possible, join a support group. The solidarity offered by people with similar life experiences may help you feel seen, loved, and respected.

♡Invest in therapy. Working with a trained professional will likely help you collect your thoughts and sort through any unresolved trauma related to your grief.

♡Be gentle with yourself. Periods of loss can profoundly alter your identity, and you will likely struggle to complete tasks your former self executed seamlessly. Take the time to get to know this new version of yourself; congratulate yourself on little everyday achievements and nurture your own heart.

♡Immerse yourself in things that make you happy. Try keeping a gratitude journal. Take up a new hobby. Marvel in the wonders of nature. Acknowledge the joy of what you have, but not at the expense of suppressing what you’ve lost.


And always, always remember…you are so loved ♡

Chandler is a senior at UT double majoring in English and Chinese while pursuing a Certificate in Global Management. She currently serves as one of HerCampus Texas' Campus Correspondents and adores live music, dogs, friends, and mindful living ♥