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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

As a member of the greater United States community, I often find myself fearing for the direction that the world seems to be headed in— one of violence, intolerance, and faulty understanding. It seems like every day, the news reports on more stories about negativity, and on fewer tales of kindness and positive change. However, this week, after being mentally caught up in the negativity and doom of the news cycle, I witnessed an act of pure, Texan kindness that renewed my hope for humanity.

When I was walking home several days ago, I girl went whizzing by me on an electric scooter. After she was about half of a block past me, she hit a deep crack in the road and fell in the middle of a busy street. Immediately, three people rushed out into the street to check on her, and the car who had swerved around her pulled to the side of the road to join the group of concerned onlookers. I watched them help her up, lead her to the sidewalk, and stay there by her side until they were sure she had not been injured severely.

One of the things I love the most about being a UT Austin student is the love and concern that so many people have for their fellow members of the community. I am proud to call myself a student here, because every day I see people changing the world interaction by interaction, showing the kindness that is so infrequently portrayed on the news. Please continue to be a force of good. Help those who fall down, reach out a hand when you see someone struggling, and welcome all those you meet. Together we can break the negative news cycle.

Megan Turner is studying Spanish and Political Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. In her free time she enjoys long-distance running, painting, and spending time with friends.