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The Many Stages of Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

1. You get through a majority of the semester and are so excited with how close it is to Winter Break!



2. Then your teacher casually mentions that your final is coming up and it will be cumulative and not curved with a smile on their face.



3. You don’t freak out right away until you add up how many pages you will have to read and go over in your text book.



4. You begin to study but remember how much you hate it, and how much more you love sleep.



5. Your new forced routine of sleep, eat, study gets real old real quick.



6. And the night before your final, you’ve accepted your fate.



7. You walk into your final feeling like all of the life has been taken out of you.



8. But half way through your final you realize you actually knowwhat you are doing, and the closer you get to the final question, the more life returns to your body. By the end, you are walking out of your final floating on pure joy or delirium.


9. You finished the semester!! Time to go out, and get yourself ready for the holidays! You deserve it!