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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. Exams are starting to pile up, and that regret of missing a lecture for three weeks kicks in. With that being said, here are a few tips to help you study for your upcoming exams!

  1. Review your notes and your lectures! – If you didn’t take any notes or go to any lectures, make sure to ask your classmates or go to office hours!
  2. Start studying for at least a couple of days or maybe even a week before the exam! – Make sure to know when your exams are, so you know when to start studying! It’s scary to fall behind, and even scarier to miss an exam!
  3. Go to study groups! – Studying with your classmates can help a lot, reviewing the material together and having that sureness that you are all on the same page!
  4. SLEEP! – A lot of students end up pulling all-nighters and that is totally ok, just make sure to try and squeeze in that nap!
  5. Take time away from school and exams! – The midterm season can really take up all of your time. Make sure to set some time aside for yourself, whether that is catching up on your shows or with your friends and family!

These are just a few tips, but remember grades don’t define you. Don’t beat yourself up and be kind to yourself. Do the best that you can! That’s all anyone can ask of you.

If the first exam doesn’t go your way, there is plenty of time to recover! Before every success, there’s a failure. We just have to keep trying!

I'm Chantal, a first-Generation college student at The University of Texas at Austin. I come from a Mexican household, and I'm proud of my culture. I'm a daughter of immigrants, navigating this new college world on my own. I hope to encourage other girls to push forward, despite the obstacles.