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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Breakups can be tough. All you want to do is lay down, cry all day and eat copious amounts of ice cream, or at least that’s what I want to do as I am going through one myself. The only thing standing in my way is THAT I HAVE FINALS. IN LESS THAN A WEEK. I have to relearn a semester’s worth of chemistry and biology in a constantly smaller window of time, so all of my heartbreak plans have to be put on hold. I am probably not the only person that is going through the same thing, I know, crazy, the world doesn’t revolve around me. Therefore, here are 5 things that you can do to process your break up while being an academic weapon.

Let it all out

If all you’re thinking about is the pain you’re going through you’re probably not gonna be thinking about the solubility of acids or about symbiotic relationships, meaning that all that hurt has to be stored somewhere other than your brain. I personally like writing, i.e. this article, or recording voice memos that can go up to an hour. other options are venting to your friends, drawing, screaming into the abyss, or whatever suits you!

Throw yourself into studying

Now that, presumably, you’ve let it all out, it is time to study! Try to mute out everything but what you’re learning and remember why the class you’re taking matters to you and your future plans.

Have crying breaks

Let’s be honest, muting everything out can only work for so long. Your feelings are bound to come back. What I like to do is make a promise to myself, i.e. “When I finish this chapter I’m reading, I will walk to the other side of the room and cry hysterically for 15 minutes, then I’ll go back to work.” I’m saying 15 minutes for the sake of practicality, but I usually take about an hour, honestly just take as much time as you need.

Don’t be alone for too long

I get it. It is tempting to seclude yourself from society, but if you do it for too long you start losing perspective. This is when your support system comes in. Go have some coffee with a friend. Call your mom, your sister, your mentor, or whoever you feel most comfortable with! I think that having fun during finals and clearing your head is just as important as studying so don’t take it for granted.

Spoil yourself

At the end of the day, only you know what is and feels right for you. Ask yourself what your needs are and just do it! If I’m feeling like going outside and touching grass, that’s where you’ll find me! I’ve taken myself out for ice cream and boba more times this week than I’d like to admit. As my therapist would say, follow the fun.

On a more serious note, if you’re anything like me, your love runs deep and long. I think that it is our biggest strength but also an obstacle at times. Please remember to be kind to yourself. I wish you healing and some peace of mind.

Hi! My name is Valeria, I am a freshman Neuroscience major and I'm also getting a teaching certificate in natural sciences. Spoiler alert, I am very passionate about STEM + teaching. However, the way that STEM topics are communicated tends to be boring!! and hard to understand!! Especially if that has nothing to do with your interests/major. That is why I decided to cover topics that I personally find interesting ranging across topics like biology, chemistry, and even psychology, in an easy-to-digest way. I believe that knowledge is power, so hopefully, you will learn something new and not completely hate it while it's happening.