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How to Get Over FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Fear of missing out, also known as FOMO, is what drives some collegiettes crazy. With Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, social media has a way of always reminding us that other people are busy having fun. You may not have realized it before but that restless feeling you get when you are trapped at work, or busy finishing an essay while your friends are out and about is the number one sign of FOMO. But the faster you get over FOMO, the happier and more satisfied you will be with your own life. Finding the balance between working hard and playing hard may seem impossible but feeling secure with your decision to stay in is more powerful than your think. 


1. Remember People only Highlight their Positives:

You see on your snapchat that one of your friends is dancing and looks like she is having a ton of fun, but just realize that when you are having fun you don’t have time to take photos and film it. Most of the time the events you are jealous of missing are nothing more than any other night out. People only show the highlights of their life on social media, nobody is taking photos of how bored they are. Remember this and realize that you can miss out and not miss much. 


2. Find Friends That are Just as Fun at Home: 

It is important to realize that the best kind of friends are those that you can sit on the couch with and have just as good of a time. Friends like this are more valuable than those who only call you when they want to go out. Memories you make having High School Musical dance parties, ordering pizza and watching hilarious YouTube videos are those that will last for a lifetime. 

3. Sleep is More Valuable than you Think:

Many people say, “Sleep when you are dead,” but I disagree. How are you supposed to have fun if you are constantly yawning? You can not survive off of coffee every hour; getting a quality night’s rest can do wonders. Have you ever stayed up until 4 in the morning and your whole week is thrown off? You might feel the pressure to go out, but thinking about those deep Zzzz’s will make you realize that you never regret a full nights rest. 

4. Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight:

How I Met Your Mother says nothing good happens after 2 AM but in college I believe that nothing good happens after midnight. Yeah, you might get cute photos with your friends but when you look into any of the conversations behind the pictures, is any of it really positive? Think back to the best decision you ever made after midnight and most of the time the best decision you made was going home. 



I know its hard to face the fact that life goes on without you there, but in reality the times you have the most fun are the random times you spend with your best friends that aren’t documented for the world to see; and those are the moments you should have FOMO for.