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How Artificial Intelligence Could be Judging Your Next Job Application

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Are you tired of submitting countless resumes to job openings, only to never hear back from potential employers? Well, you might be surprised to learn that the culprit could be artificial intelligence. That’s right, AI has infiltrated the hiring process, and it’s not always in your favor. From ATS scanners to resume analysis tools, AI is playing a bigger role in the recruitment process than ever before. So, buckle up and keep reading to learn about the ways AI is changing the hiring game.

One significant area of concern regarding the use of AI in recruitment is the use of Automated Tracking Systems (ATS) to evaluate resumes. These systems are designed to sort through resumes and identify the most suitable candidates for a particular job. They do so by scanning resumes for specific keywords, experience, and qualifications, and then ranking them accordingly. This allows companies to evaluate masses of candidates and give chances to a greater number of individuals than would be possible if only human labor was used.

While ATS scanners can be efficient, they are not perfect, and there is a risk that they may overlook highly qualified candidates who may not have used the same keywords as those listed in the job description. Additionally, ATS scanners are prone to bias, as they can be programmed to filter out resumes from candidates who don’t fit certain criteria or who come from specific demographics.

Another significant concern is the potential for AI algorithms to replicate the biases of the humans who program them. This means that if a human is biased in their hiring practices, the AI system they create is likely to replicate those biases. For example, if a hiring manager has a bias towards candidates from a particular university or background, the AI system will likely be programmed to identify and prioritize candidates with similar qualifications and experiences.

So, what can job seekers do to protect themselves from potential bias in the hiring process? One way is to customize their resumes for each job application. This means using the same keywords and phrases found in the job description to ensure that their resume is flagged by the ATS scanner as a good match.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of potential biases in the hiring process and to speak up if you feel that you have been discriminated against. You can also take steps to remove identifiable information from your resume, such as your name and address, to reduce the potential for unconscious bias.

In conclusion, AI has both benefits and drawbacks in the hiring process. While it can streamline recruitment and reduce bias, it can also overlook qualified candidates and perpetuate systemic inequalities. As job seekers, it’s important to stay informed about how AI is being used in hiring and take steps to optimize our resumes for the machines. So, keep these tips in mind, stay vigilant, and good luck on your job hunt!

Vanna Chen

Texas '23

Senior Computer Science Major Sleepy, Funny, Addicted to Kombucha