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From Me to You: A Slice of Advice for College Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

From a friends off campus apartment, on a day where all of my exams, essays, projects, and quizzes are complete, I am coming to you with this article not only reflecting on the closing of my first college semester – but to offer advice for any individual that will find themselves entering college soon. Whether that be in the spring or the fall of next year, this piece will, hopefully, help in some way when it comes to your anxieties and lack of knowledge about college and the ‘college experience’.

However, it must be acknowledged that my experiences and struggles may not exactly fit what you might go through (or have gone through), this article is purely based on things I feel semi knowledgeable about – either because I went through it or my closest friends did.

Yet, before I start I want to congratulate all of my fellow classmates for finishing this semester, with the ever changing circumstances within our personal lives and involving the world, we did it! I applaud you all for any accomplishment you achieved while in college and if you aren’t yet here, I applaud you for getting in. All in all, a standing ovation for the all-nighters, speed reading the assigned novel, and generally speaking, pushing through!

From FAMILIAR To the Unknown

Let us begin with what I believe might be the hardest transition one makes within their young adult life, moving away from a life you know.

I have been living here in Austin for almost 5 months now (yes, I am rounding up), and to be candid it has not been without trials and tribulations. Still, as I have grown used it, this experience has been nothing less than liberating in every way possible. Just know that as I write about the hardships that may arise, there is an abundance of happiness and change that comes with it.

Firstly, the goodbye never seems to get easier, it becomes manageable but there will always be that yearn for the life you were so accustomed to. From move in day to a weekend trip, a lingering feeling might always remain with you and that is okay. I beat myself up so much when it came to how emotional I would get when it came to thinking of home, but it’s normal and valid in every way! Cry as much you need to, call as much as you need, anything that makes this ginormous change even the slightest bit easier – do it!

For me, it was throwing myself head first into academics, clubs/organizations, and my social life. It was building a life here that made the goodbyes less strenuous and the knowledge of coming back easier to mentally handle.

Another thing that might help is calling those back home! They miss you just as much as you miss them, so carve out time to catch up and unwind in the familiarity of the person on the other side of the phone. You will appreciate the outcome just as much as they will appreciate the call.


Whether that means asking friends, watching Youtube videos, or clicking through the site. It is of most importance to understand how to turn things in, view assignments, and message your teachers/TAs when needed. Then there comes the topic of deadlines – which no one reminds you of really…thus, the importance of a calendar/planner. Just know, it is better to just get the assignment over with than wait until the last minute when you want to go out – trust me, the stress of rushing is not worth it.

Onto clubs and organizations, DO NOT BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW! This honestly applies to every aspect of college, but especially orgs/clubs. You will want to do and join everything, but with the strain of time, it just isn’t plausible or possible. Thus, my personal fulfillment plan when it comes to orgs/clubs, pick one that correlates to your major, one that looks good on a resume, and one that is for socializing. The more involved you are, the better outcome you will receive when it comes to meeting people and making a name for yourself. I must admit, I am currently in 5 clubs/orgs, in addition to having a job, and it is stressful at all times. Every meeting and event always seemed to happen on the same days, so it’s a constant battle deciding which one to miss and attend. All this to say, that if you follow my fulfillment plan and manage your time well things should work out just fine.

Lastly, your social life. Let me be brutally honest, it is hard making friends and keeping them (unless you already know each other, but in some cases even then). The first few weeks might feel extremely lonely, but you have to push through! Which is why I say join clubs/orgs, meet people at school events, and work your hardest to maintain friendships – but the ones that you know are actually good for you as a person. Do not waste your time on people who are not willing to invest the same effort you are, like anything friendship is a two way street and both individuals must be able to meet in the middle.

I cannot lie, there were so many times throughout the semester where I felt isolated and alone. Times where I would be emotional in every sense of the word, yet felt as if I couldn’t reach out to anyone. This is when becoming comfortable with yourself is a journey you will also have to begin. I am currently going through this, figuring out how to be alone and do things alone – and it’s tough. Even so, practice makes perfect, even faking it (confidence, comfortability) makes it a little less difficult. Plus, when you enjoy being around yourself, others will as well and if they don’t it won’t be a soul crushing experience because you’ll be secure in the person you are.

What also must be acknowledged is that dreaded feeling of ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out). You will most definitely feel it at some point – which again, is normal! Personally though, you have to come to terms with the fact that there are times where you will have to miss a party or a hangout because of something, this isn’t the end of the world, even though it feels like it. There will always be more events so allow yourself to miss something if you must! To ease this feeling of being left out is once again, being comfortable being alone. Make wherever you are the most desirable for yourself – because once the party is over, once you’re alone, you don’t want to feel unsatisfied.

All in all

Make yourself a priority, in every sense. From academics to your social life, this experience is what you make of it, so make it enjoyable! Try not to dwell on the what if’s and missed opportunities, just take each one as they come and try to relish in the moment, because time seems to go so much faster.

Aside from the advice given above here are some random things to know that might be helpful: learn the layout of campus, build a relationship of some sort with your classmates/TAs (trust me when I say it helps with your success in the class), never walk alone, do not leave your friends at parties for any reason, lock your doors, and take care of yourself!

Also, try your best to not get a terrible roommate… speaking from personal experience it is best to avoid this drama at all costs (especially if you’re living in the dorms) – but this is a story for another day…

To conclude this all, I hope that in some way this did help (not worsen) how you feel about starting or continuing this chapter of your life. Is it absolutely terrifying? Yes. But, it’s worth it.

As stated, cherish this time as much as possible, because being an undergrad is the best time to!

A thousand cheers, claps, and endless praise to everyone who has or will go through this, because it does get easier and even more pleasant as time goes on.

I wish you all a happy start, continuation, and end.

A first generation college student trying to navigate my college years! I'm a Capricorn super passionate about social justice, feminism, and reality TV…yes, Jersey Shore is the best piece of media I have ever consumed. While pursing a degree in Film and English my goal is to brighten your day with my articles and various 'hot takes' I have! In advance, thank you for your support and reads (because you don't know how much both truly mean to me).