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5 Thrifting Recs from an Austinite

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The fairly recent rage around thrifting has evolved into an appreciation for vintage clothing.

With the rebranding of thrifting from “used clothing” to “vintage exclusive finds,” I’ve experienced many Austin businesses and markets upping prices of products that once were a feasible financial option for locals.

As an Austinite who grew up thrifting before it was a fad, I remember the judgment associated with shopping for used clothing. It was an affordable option for many families unable to buy new clothes. Growing up with a single mother, she often prioritized expenses and introduced me to “thrifting” as a sustainable option stepping away from America’s rampant consumerism. 

As a young college student, I recognize many people do not have the financial means to afford new clothing, and vintage clothing marketed as “thrifting” when it’s the full price is not going to cut it.

For all my UT Austin readers, the businesses on Guadalupe St claiming to be thrift stores are often marked up. However, the Guad Vintage Market that happens every Sunday between Buffalo Exchange and Pavement is expensive, but I have had success bartering since there are individual vendors.

That being said, here are my favorite authentic thrifting places as an Austin local:

  1. Texas Thrift

If you want an affordable option with a wide variety, Texas Thrift is tried and true. They often run outstanding sales on clothing such as 50% off deals on many holidays. Some days are better than others, but I’ve most definitely found quite a few steals there myself.

  1. Goodwill Central Texas Boutique – Westbank 

Although a smaller store, it makes up for quantity with quality. This Goodwill Boutique is located in one of the wealthier areas of Austin, so you’ll be sure to find some high-quality reduced-priced finds!

  1. Goodwill Lake Austin – bougie designer stuff

Again, this Goodwill is in a nicer area of Austin, so if you’re on the prowl for some bougie designer wear for a good price you might find some luck here.

  1. Goodwill Central Texas – North Outlet

If you’re a brave soul and willing to do a little digging I recommend the the Goodwill bins. It may take some patience, but the payoff can be huge. Hold onto your finds because people will fight you for something good!

  1. Austin Pets Alive! Thrift – Burnet

This thrift store is full of eclectic and retro wear. You’re sure to find something unique, quirky, or straight out of the 70s. It is also for a good cause as all net proceeds go towards finding animals homes who are at risk of being euthanized.

I'm a first-year Moody Honors Journalism major at the University of Texas at Austin. My hometown is Austin, TX! I'm very passionate about writing on social issues and advocacy and hope to pursue the communication sector of non-profit work. I enjoy travel, live music, and art!