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Mountain Love: How a Trip to the Mountains Affected my Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

It’s a tough time of year… especially for college students. Testing season makes it easy to lose a balance between school and personal life. As someone who has also been struggling to find a balance, I took a trip to the mountains to restore my inner peace. Here’s what happened.

My trip to the Catskill Mountains began by picking up local honey. This act has become a ritual to me as I love to support the small businesses upstate. Shortly after, I checked into my cabin for the weekend and nestled into a wooden building among endless trees. I placed my phone in the closet in order to have a truly “unplugged” weekend. Immediately, I was met with relaxation. 

This revelation is not shocking. Nature has been proven to improve mental health, even if you are limited to five minutes outside a day. An article by the University of Minnesota discusses some of these fascinating byproducts.

After checking in, I took a solo hike. I completely immersed myself in my surroundings and made frequent stops to journal my experiences. Before long, my biggest stressors seemed more manageable. 

As I reached the top of the incline on my solo hike, I reflected on one finding by the Mental Health Foundation. The Mental Health Foundation recommends connecting with “everyday” nature through simple activities. As a result, I took a pinecone with me to remember my experience.

As night fell, I wrapped myself in a fleece blanket and took to the outdoors. I sat on the deck of the cabin and watched as stars flooded the night sky. For hours, I was met with amazing vastness. Before long, I realized just how small I truly am.

At last, I entered my city lifestyle once again. However, I put the pinecone on my desk to remind myself to take a breather and get outside when needed. Following my trip, I have felt more encouraged to take time to get outside and explore the greenery in the city. Lindsay Li lists some great opportunities to visit nature in Philadelphia without leaving the city.

Despite where you are located, there are always opportunities to enjoy nature. My trip not only emphasized the importance of utilizing this greenery but also returned me to a clear head space.

Get outside. You never know what you will discover.

Taylor is currently a freshman Journalism major at Temple University. Outside of school, you can find her rewatching tv shows, cooking chili, or dancing.