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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

The change of seasons can affect the skin for better or for worse. In the winter, I know my skin appears more dull and can use a bit more love. It’s hard to keep that “summer glow” year round. NASA developed LED treatment decades ago to aid in the growth of plants and vegetables, and Navy seals began using it to expedite wound healing in the 1990s. Nowadays, our favorite aestheticians employ this miracle worker to rejuvenate skin cells in order to prevent aging and treat acne. It seems like this may be the remedy to year long glowing skin, right? 

Who would turn down the opportunity to get an at-home treatment that alleges glowing skin and a mood boost right from your sofa? Different wavelengths of light are used in LED light therapy to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of skin by transferring energy into the cells. 

Blue light has antibacterial properties and is useful as an acne treatment; red light goes deeper into the skin to boost collagen production by increasing blood circulation, and infrared light penetrates the deepest, using anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. The light helps with long term collagen production and it also has healing and calming properties. 

It’s important to note that LED light is considered safe by dermatologists, but you should take precautions by choosing a mask that includes eye protection to protect it from the light.

In the winter months especially, this robotic, futuristic looking mask can help boost serotonin and allow you to glow. There’s also the plus of putting this on your face and being able to enjoy a little downtime and relaxing after a long day. You’ll definitely feel expensive! 

The LED face masks are definitely an investment, but if you’re looking for a self care splurge or something to put on your wishlist, I’d say it’s a treat! You can still keep the homemade and store bought masks in your bathroom, but if you’re looking for a way to elevate your self care game and get that year round glow, an LED face mask is a great pick! 

Hi! My name is Madeline, I'm a sophomore and I'm a Media Studies and Production Major. I'm from South Jersey and I spent most of the summer down the shore. I am either in complete beach mode or complete city mode. I see myself living in the city at one point of my life and would also love to have a beach house of my own when I’m older. My surroundings and atmosphere that I’m in really reflect my mood and day to day life. I love to hangout with friends, read, do yoga, and I just recently learned how to surf and got into running! :)